Thursday, December 10, 2020

Toohig Tidbits: November

Words of wisdom from Cressey: "You gotta drink close to your face."

Cressey will be watching a YouTube video on her iPad, and when we get in the car and drive down the street, the wifi drops and then the video stops playing. She said, "Siri, I'm done with you. So rude. I don't want you, Siri. I want Alexa!"

We were at Spiffer's one night, and Grandma was stopping by to see us. Cressey has learned how to work GD's Alexa that connects to their cameras, and she walked over to it and said, "Alexa! Show me the driveway so I'll know when Grandma comes RIGHT NOW!"

I told Cressey she was smart, and she said, "Uh huh, and I'm cute too!"

Circling everything in every toy catalog for their Christmas lists. And Cress just says, "YEAH!" to everything that HG suggests for her, regardless of if she even knows what it is.

I don't like this height comparison...

When she asks for "Jasmine hair" at the last minute

Giving me instructions on how to take care of her baby for the day

Love watching her writing improve

One day, I had some kind of leaf stuck to my front camera, so when we got home, HG offered to hop off and clear it. Then she proceeded to make faces at me through the camera.

Well, monkey see, monkey do

Constant little shadows

I somehow missed the memo this night that bedtime was 6:45

Robe season is here- it's gotten chilly!

Orange day at school (this was HG's dress)

He can't get close enough

Bedtime for Bonzo

Big Red can't resist some Barbie play time or a good tent

Last jeep ride of the season (in pajamas, of course)

Naturally, she found and wooed a moth

I couldn't get enough of the colorful trees in our neighborhood (and our Christmas card pics got postponed due to quarantine), so I begged the girls to do a little photo shoot with me.

Leaf jumping (was more fun in theory than in actuality)

HG's grade was virtual for two weeks, and while Cress was super happy to still be able to go to school, it was weird saying bye to sissy and leaving her at home each morning.

Blue stayed in her room ALL DAY. She even put out a water bowl for him.

Got this for our upcoming socially distanced Santa party, but it wasn't quite Santa size! But it was perfect for Cressey!

"Mommy! You wouldn't believe what I tried at school today! A BROWNIE! And I LIKED it!"

Mama is pulling out all the magic this year, including a full sized blow up Santa.

She was IN LOVE!

She asked me one day if I could come in school and take a pic of her with "Jesus." About broke my heart to not be able to run in there and snap a pic, but I told her sweet teacher about her wish and she sent me this pic later that week!

Getting a lot done over here

Dinner on an empty patio in the brisk fall night was just what we needed after a long week. And cheese dip. Duh.

More school with Blue

Well, isn't that sweet?? (Some kind of kindness campaign at school, but I'll take it!)

Still amazed by a car wash at 11 years old

Look at that look! She gives a great death stare!

Spiffer and I were in the kitchen, and she stopped dead in the middle of a sentence and listened. She said, "I think they are on the roof!" So we ran upstairs to find GD getting the girls off the porch roof- lol! Never know what he'll get them into!

Fashion show

"Take a pic of me and this bug, Mama"

Never a dull moment

When we had negative Covid tests (no symptoms, to prove we were negative), we went straight to Bubba's for a long awaited visit!

Sometimes cuddles happen at the most random (and wonderful) moments

The elves sent some matching candy cane pajamas! We just couldn't wait any longer for the holidays ot arrive!

Cress found legos of HG's in the back of her closet and hauled them all out. She went straight up here for a few days in a row after school to play.

HG had a virtual night of dance class, and Cress tried her hardest to watch...but was just too sleepy.

Green day at school

Disguise a a ballerina!

"My family" - I'm the one on the left with the teeny tiny head

HG came home from a slumber party and left her sleeping bag laying around. I'm not sure if Blue or Cressey enjoyed it more.

Date night 2020 style! Porch & Parlor

If you sit in this house, you will soon have a Momo curled up against you.

Living the high life at Grandma's (still in her pjs, naturally)

More Momo cuddles

Mocha had to go to the vet for a check up, and he had lots of nurses to make sure he was comfortable.

Fun lunch date with Cressey's friend, Presley...HG is such a doll on these kinds of things, really playing with the little girls and having fun. All of Cressey's friends love HG!

Good spot for a sit

What a beautiful fall afternoon for a bike/ scooter ride

Fire pit at the Words

We all love Ana

And Ana loves food!

We had to take advantage of a pretty day and get some fresh air at the zoo

Poor Blue Blue

Time to put up the TREEEEE!!!

Man, this pic captures a moment in our house so very well

This silly cat loves to get in the shower. He was disappointed the water wasn't on though.

This is a pretty good snapshot of our life/ roles too...HG working her creative magic on the chocolate chip cookie house project while Cressey cleans up after her...

Work it, girl!

HG's class is studying Christmas traditions around the world, and of course, HG chose Ireland to be her country. She emailed our Twohig cousins there to ask about Irish holiday traditions, and one she loved was how the Irish put candles in their windows at Christmastime. She created a 'house' as part of her project.

How we roll...Michael's in our pjs on a very rainy weekend morning...

She's a monster!

SNOW!! Teeny tiny little flakes that just floated around, but still, it snowed and Cressey was READY for it.

Notice the socks and sandals...

Hours of entertainment on the hoverboard

Chatting 'on the phone' with Santa

While we seem to have succeeded in brainwashing HG with our love of Ole Miss, we are still educating Cressey. We watched the Egg Bowl together and worked on our 'Hotty Toddies.'

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