Monday, December 14, 2020

Cressey's First Haircut

Hard to believe, but we've not cut Cressey's hair in her 4.5 years. She's been a little scared at the mention of it, thought that the 'cut' hurt, but after seeing HG get her hair trimmed last month, she started to be more open to the idea. And mama started to be open to thinking about it too! :)

I finally made an appointment with Ms. Jeanna, my mom's hairdresser who gave me MY first haircut a hundred years ago and also HG's first haircut. She had to be the one to trim Cressey's for the first time! I told Cressey about the appointment the day before, and she was super excited for a 'healthy cut,' "only as long as my eyelashes!" But when we got to the salon (Dec. 9) and I got ready to put her in the seat, she started to balk. With some sister help and thanks to some fun toys that Spiffer brought (a unicorn with a brush), we got her happily in the chair. She brushed that unicorn's hair the ENTIRE time!

Afterward, she was so proud of herself and had to tell everyone she saw for the next few days!


Ms. Jeanna straightened it after the cut, but once we washed it, the ends curled right back up like they've always done. I think that the tight ringlets of days gone by might be fading away, unless it's rainy or humid, but it's still got a lot of wave and loose curls.

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