Tuesday, December 29, 2020

To Grandma's House We Go

On Christmas Eve afternoon, we headed to Grandma's for our traditional gift exchange in front of the fire with lots of corn dip and wine! (Heaven!) We dearly missed Bubba's candlelight service this year, but we hope we can get back to that tradition next year. We sang lots of carols on Thursday to help us feel better and like we had been there!

The girls loved all the little things this year- Polly Pockets, Hatchimals, etc. and fell in love with a fleece unicorn sweatsuit and Mario Cart remote control car. HG loved all the tiny Mini Brands and fleecy pajama pants- all things comfy!

After the exciting night, Cressey fell asleep before we could get the reindeer food out, but her sister helped do that (in the bitter cold) before her bedtime. Sugar cookies, milk, and ice water were left for Santa. Time for Santa to make his grand entrance!

Sitting in her daddy's old chair

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