Thursday, October 17, 2019

Toohig Tidbits: August

Important date to remember: August 20, 2019, HG's first sip of bourbon, Weller 12 (She responded about how I respond to a sip of fire- not well/ coughing and whoo-ing)

Cressey's Latest Gems:

"UGHHHHH, this is CRAZY!"

"Pee you-ski!" means "pee yew!"

"Next-erday" for tomorrow

"Siri, send me an Elsa party"

She's convinced she's going to get a purple kitten and will name it Purple.

On July 29th, Cressey told me, "Mama, I prayed for you. Before you were born." Then, later she told me, "I wish for you. You're my wish come-d true!"

When we were in Canada, HG, John, and I were talking over Cressey's head about how she needed a N-A-P. She piped up, "I don't need an A-B-C!!!"

On the plane to Canada, I was trying to unwrap a cray for C, and she cheered me on with, "You can do it, Mommy!"

"I've got you all to myself, Spiffer!"

"Mommy, my tummy is waiting on you (to scratch)"

A neighborhood birthday party with Maddie and Patrick

And Ann Roane too!

First time to lay down at the dentist for a full cleaning, thanks to her sissy's help (who was on the next chair over)

A sweet reward for her sweet performance!

"Now throw the ball, Spiffer; I have my helmet on!"

Endless fun with a pile of pillows

I took HG and Maddie to Jackson for a Kidz Bop concert, and they were starstruck and danced the night away!

Love that wittle hand in the air

Life with cats

"I am chameleon"

Look who we ran into at CMOM!

No such thing as personal space with this cat

Meeting our sweet baby Kellum (and the Ole Miss cheerleaders) in Oxford

QT with HG's hermit crabs

HG selfie before she altar serves


Sometimes I find Cressey sitting here looking through Shutterfly books I've made of our trips to Disney and the Bahamas.

Cressey the caterpillar

Toby Keith, Live at the Garden concert

The Granddaddy longlegs saga continues...

"Bless us O Lord"

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