Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Fall Break 2019: Alys Beach

We decided to head back to 30A for fall break this year since we hadn't been in two years and were really missing our favorite Floridian beach/ slice of heaven. This year, we shared a house with one of our favorite families from school who have three daughters that compliment HG and Cressey's ages perfectly. The girls all played, ate, and slept well together, and John and I enjoyed the parent friendships so much too. John was traveling for work that week, so he met the girls and me in the Atlanta airport on our way to Panama City. Boy were we happy to see him!

4:27 a.m. Ready to roll! (it's a miracle!)

I live in a three-ring circus. The poor other people at the gate with us...

These two really were perfect angels on both flights. They kept themselves busy with their iPads and didn't have any ear issues this time. I even got to read a book!

John surprised us by meeting us at our gate in Atlanta. This is our plane pulling in, and he was standing there waiting on us when we walked off the jetway like the old days. What a welcome sight!

Happy to be reunited

The good ole banana phone

Sissy was a good sport and got into it too

When our plane was boarding in Atlanta, we found a classmate of Cressey's, Kate, who was also going to 30A! They were so happy to see each other!

As soon as we got to our house in Alys, Cressey promptly slid right into the fountain and really scraped the back of her left knee. That put her out of commission for the afternoon, so she and I cuddled up on the couch while John and HG went to say hello to the beach. 

Cress rallied for a bike ride

And our friends arrived late afternoon- yippee! Cress hadn't moved that quickly in hours, but when she heard Poppy was there, she went running!

These two are trouble

The crash is coming quickly (at dinner at La Cocina on Friday night)

She slept in the bottom bunk of HG's bunk bed with Lilah in the other bottom bunk just down the wall. The first night, she coughed a little and woke up Lilah who checked on her, but she never got up and wandered around or even called out for me in the night. I guess she was so worn out from her days there that she slept like a rock.

She did wake up pretty early that first morning, so around 6:15, she and I walked over to Charlie's Donut Truck to find some breakfast. We caught a pretty awesome sunrise too.

Poppy awakes!

Finally, THE BEACH!!!! (around 8 a.m.)

Mama's happy

And by 9 a.m., she was asleep on the couch for two hours. Katie literally led us in a prayer that her bladder could make it that long, and thankfully, God kept her- and that couch- dry!


Mama's happy

Look at Cressey out there in the middle of the pool with all the big girls. She thought she was hot stuff and 'one of them' with her puddle jumper.

Dads on duty

Daddy was quite the nap whisperer this week


We met up with two other SAA families for some pool time fun

These girls probably spent more time on these bikes than they did in our house!

Sunset view from the Pearl

Why does no one cooperate with mama for pictures?

We visited with Kate for a bit while we waited on our table at La Crema.

The big girls let Cressey come hang out in their room one night, and she never wanted to leave!

There were lots of bribes and forced smiles involved in this photo shoot, but we had to capture our traditional sister pic.



{Back to 2019}

Sissy was the nap whisperer this day in the cabana


Sad to say bye bye to the beach

I hated to wake this baby up on our last day. She slept until 7:30!

Hugs for Poppy

I am still in shock about this. HG got Cress to lay in her lap and take a cat nap on the plane. I'm speechless...but enjoyed my book in silence!

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