Wednesday, September 25, 2019

School's In Session

First Week of School 2019

Friday, August 9th: Cressey's last day at Mullins; she didn't get the 'last day' concept, which was fine and probably better, but her mama and her teachers certainly got it! I plan on still sending her there a day or two a week in the summertime though, so it's not a forever goodbye! When we pass Mullins on the way to SAA, she still hollers, "There's my school!," and will ask when she's going.

July 2017

August 2019

Monday, August 12th: HG's first day of 5th grade

Tuesday, August 13th: Cressey started for her first half day (orientation) of PK with Ms. Sarah. I was so nervous since drop off at camp went poorly over the summer, but she was dressed and posing for front porch pics before HG was even starting to get dressed. We dropped HG off in carpool and drove over to the ECC. I told Cressey that now she was old enough to go through carpool drop off at the ECC, and she immediately said, "Well, drop me off then!" I'm like, 'no way, kid- I'm walking you in on your first day of school!' (For the record, I have dropped her off pretty much every day since then and she happily hops out and blows me a kiss- unless the SDS boys are helping and then she stalls until a teacher comes over to intervene.) I made her stop to take a pic with the Jesus statue, and then she was off and running to her classroom. So proud! When I picked her up, she said, "I had so much fun! I can't wait to come back!" We went to lunch with Norah afterward, and then she passed out in carpool as we waited for sissy.

Wednesday, August 14th: First day of carpool drop off for Cressey (and the first of many days of mama driving to school in her pajamas)

Thursday, August 15th: First day to pick up Cressey in lower school carpool. HG had soccer practice and was really sad she wasn't able to be there too, so we made a big deal of the following week when she could be there to help Cressey to the car.

She met Norah at the door!

Sallie Key was there to help!

Friday, August 16th: Wrapping up a wonderful first week of school. Never a sad moment at drop off time, always asking to do carpool, always happy at pick up and excited to go back. When I picked her up from her half day, we were leaving to go out the door when we heard a loud knock coming from the JK classroom. Norah and her teacher saw us leaving, and Norah wanted to say bye. Cressey TOOK OFF across the lobby, and they waved and gave kisses through the window. So cute!

(Please note that I would love to take pics of my oldest daughter, but she more often than not refuses. You can remind her of that when she's older and asks where are all the pics of her instead of the baby.)

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