Monday, October 28, 2019

Toohig Tidbits: September

Delta Fair

We were eating dinner, and after the girls finished, they asked if they could go outside the window and climb the stairs. John or I made a face at the girls, HG gave us the little devil horns back, and then Cress copied her!

Cress has really gotten brave over the course of the summer. She'll now jump right off the diving board if she's wearing her "boat."

Do what you gotta do, girl, to keep that Oreo dry!

That's it. Time to go home!

Her teacher took this pic to put in the window of a train drawing to hang on the wall at school. Cute!

Happy birthday, Spiffer!

HG has new prism glasses!

My college roomie, Susan, came in town for a quick visit

1. 2.

Little sis during big sis' soccer game

It's amazing to see how much HG has grown as a soccer player this season. She is much more confident and aggressive, playing defense like her daddy. They've had a young coach who has spent a lot of time teaching them quick footwork and game strategy, even standing on the sidelines during the game and telling the girls what they should be looking for. She's really gotten physical in the last few games and enjoyed it.

Throwing axes with the Ducks

Moore family birthday brunch

Happy birthday to Alexandra!

"TODAY I get to go to ballet?!?!?!" She's taking an after school ballet class this semester.

First time she's written her name

This sight never gets old

On my birthday, HG went with Maddie to the JoJo Siwa concert.

Meanwhile, John took me to dinner at Houston's!

A little birthday CAKE!!!

9/11 Patriot Day at school

The EVER helpful Momo

Jeanne and I had a movie date night at the sneak peek of Downton Abbey movie- we've waited years for this!

She so rarely sleeps in my arms anymore, but I brought her in from the car and she cuddled up in my lap and went back to sleep.

Live at the Garden: Brett Young

Could play with Magna Tiles for days

Happy birthday to Norah!


Ryves spent the night with us and had a little time to play in the morning.

Off to work and school!

Field trip for HG's class

I used to love the way HG said "mu-sel-i-um" for 'museum' and Cress says it very similarly. HG and I like to smile over her head at each other when we hear her say it.

Ran into Ava at CMOM!

Lunch date with the Duck girls

We were twinsies!

BIG DEAL: First time I've ever seen them play in the playroom together- peacefully and for a long time!

Found sissy's boots

Mama hasn't lost too much of her touch. Still need to practice some more.

Getting ready for fall break

Their bathroom is FINALLY FINISHED!! We recently updated their bathroom and were so glad to have running water and a mirror back in here to make mornings a little easier!

Our sweet school nurse snapped this pic outside her door during carpool!

There's that train pic behind her!

Where did HG and Cressey go???

"Homework" can happen in such odd places

HG's class field trip to Civil Rights Museum and Slave Haven

Accessorized by sissy

They were watching a little green critter right at the toe of HG's shoe, and then all of a sudden, it JUMPED and they both shrieked and went running for the hills!

Jeep fun

Open House night

The ECC director sent this pics to me from a petting zoo that came to school. Love how excited Cress and her friend Finley are!

"You get what you get and you don't throw a fit"

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