Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Toohig Tidbits: May

"Hold me like a baby, mommy"

Poor Cressey

Lunch date with Alexandra

Bella's birthday

Cressey loves her some Poppy!

Look at all those saddle oxfords

Her future's so bright...

Kids of all ages flock to this fairy garden

First lunch out with Caroline

C's teacher sent me this gem after a very delicious (and messy) spaghetti lunch

While I picked up a cookie cake at a store in the mall, Cress entertained herself on the riding toys. I don't guess she even knew they moved, but I thought I'd be a sweet mom and reward her for being patient and put some coins in this one. She was NOT HAPPY when it started moving!

Field trip to the art museum

Life with cats

Cressey's first crawfish party

And of course, she latched onto baby Foster too. #babyhog

Such helpful kitties

Cantering cross rails!

Sometimes I don't fight the 'what are we wearing to school (Mullins) today' fight

Entertaining ourselves while we waited on sissy to try on clothes

Trying on her dance recital outfit

Crazy eyes

Well this was a fun date night!

I stumbled onto this happy moment

Trey, the baby whisperer

Another day, another crazy outfit

It's so fun when "Uncle" William visits for BBQ fest

Bubba's make up/ jewelry drawer is also fun! I spent countless hours of my childhood here.

Aunt Sharon got a new puppy!

Day at Spiffer's

Visiting Spiffer where she volunteers

May is really tough


More "no fights; wear what you want"

This cat jumped in a bathtub full of water and just walked around it. Didn't make any effort to get out and even got huffy when I lifted him out. Ridiculous.

Why does she only get boo boos on her middle finger?

Fun in the sun with Presley

Off to the pool for the opening day!

Look at that sweet daddy!

HG asked if she and Cressey could "text," which just means sending emojis back and forth

Lady and the Tramp moment

A little CMOM fun- that's HG in pink and black at the top right

Hiding from mama- found you!

I kept telling Cressey it was time for bath after dinner, so I finally just set a timer and said when it went off, we were going to the tub. It went off, so I walked back to my bathroom and started the water. After a lot of wailing, this is what appeared in the bathroom.

Fun at My Big Backyard with the Ducks

Hide and seek

End of season softball party

Cressey was dying to go down the slide. She started crying when she got to the top though. Eventually, Evie talked her into trying it. She wasn't wild about it. She did try one more time later, but she basically had to be nudged down it. She was done after that. Meanwhile, HG did it over and over for hours.

Cressey decided this "private pool" was her jam

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