Sunday, June 30, 2019

Dance, Dance, Dance

Helen Grace and Cressey have worked hard all semester in their dance classes and were ready to show off in their recitals. They each had a dress rehearsal the week before the big performance, which was great for mama to get good pics and also for Cressey to experience the noise and lights. Cress was so excited after seeing HG's practice that she ran up on stage with Norah at her own practice. She startled a bit at the lights and music changing, but she danced her heart out.

And good thing because when it came to her big night, she SHUT DOWN. She willingly went on stage for her tap number but soon clammed up and stood still with her hands in her skirt and kept looking to the side for someone to let her come off the stage. Afterward, HG leaped from her seat and ran backstage to calm her down, take her to the potty, etc. Later, her teacher texted me, saying she was upset and maybe I could come check on her. I was able to get her calmed down and excited about going back out there to see her grandparents and daddy. Her teacher sweetly let me stand in the wings of the stage to be close to her. They did an individual little thing where each girl tip toed across the stage, and she happily pranced across the stage and right back to me. She refused to go back out there for her ballet number. So sad! But when she got back to the dressing room to play with Norah and then saw all the flowers her grandparents brought her, she'd never been happier!

Helen Grace did a great job and just loved every minute of the whole experience. She was a trooper during a very long night and looooved all the flowers!

HG's dress rehearsal

Cressey's dress rehearsal (still refusing to wear her ballet shoes- I've given up)


Poor Norah is so patient with Cressey's unending hugs!

HG's performance night

Cressey's performance

Love this sisterly moment

John caught me wiping Cressey's tears in the wings of the stage during the ballet number.

But she's back to happy afterward!

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