We hear, “Oh, man!,” at least once every thirty minutes. Not sure where she picked up that saying, but it’s hilarious.
She and I were laying in bed one morning, and she said, “Come over here and hug me, then cuddle with me!” When I rolled over and squeezed her, she then complained with a squeal, “Too tight!”
One day she was crying about something and came to find me saying, “Mommy always feel me better.” I’m going to be really sad when she gets all her verb tense and word order correct one day.
I walked into the den recently to find her jumping wildly on the couch. I asked her, “Why are you jumping on the couch?!” She smartly responded, “Because I’m so happy that you’re my mama!” The girl can think quickly on her feet.
She often tells me, “Mama, I love you, even when you’re grumpy.” Humph.
She asked me once, “Do you think God gets tired from doing everything?” Good question, baby girl; good question.
After a long nap at Spiffer’s, she woke up and said, “Oh good, now I won’t be foul!” Spiffer busted me for her picking that phrase up at home. :)
She loved our Elf on the Shelf this year, and she either called it ‘Elf on the Shelf’ or ‘Happy Joy.’
Grandma recently told us some sayings that her mother, Helen Grace Waldron, used to say to her and her sisters when she and Grandpa Waldron were in a heated discussion. I think they are pretty relevant and worth remembering…
- “If both of us thought the same thing, one of us would be entirely unnecessary.”
- “Don’t worry; we have a strange and wonderful relationship- he’s strange, and I’m wonderful.” (I’ve already pulled this one out!!)
”Frosty the Snowman” has been a holiday favorite this year. One night, when Spiffer and GD were babysitting, they brought over a Frosty book that sang the tune- but it was VERY fast. HG and Spiffer got the giggles trying to keep up the pace.
Play date with the Coats girls
My lap is pretty full most nights before bedtime. “Say ‘cheese,’ Momo!”
I can’t get enough of these naptime snuggles…
…or these to-die-for eyelashes.
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