Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Toohig Tidbits: October

We were babysitting HG's hermit crabs (that live at Grandma's) while Grandma was on a trip. HG had been very protective/ possessive of them. Cressey wanted to go see them, so I told HG and HG said, "Ok, let's go see them, Cress." Excitedly and with absolutely no sarcasm, Cressey said, "Oh! You're gonna be nice now?!" HG laughed/ scoffed and was like, "Mama, did you hear that?! Does she think I'm not nice?!" ...

Cressey took her flu shot band aid off, and the next time she pulled up her pants, she was relieved to not have to dodge her band aid. She said, "It's good to be back!"

Cressey was insistent on pulling her leggings down over her feet and putting her shoes on top, despite my advice. After a meltdown, she realized that was a bad idea and put them on correctly. HG said, "Cress, if you'd learn to do everything mama says, your life would be a lot easier."

Cressey was driving me (and HG) crazy asking to go to the jumpy after school. HG said, "Cressey, you'll learn that if you keep asking mama to do something over and over, she's more likely not to let you do it."

Family night fun with Ava

Starting out October with a trip to the pumpkin patch

When mama doesn't feel up to fighting a battle, this little one wears cat ears to school

Zoo date with the Ducks

Look at all these sweet pumpkins!

I get karma back to me from all those times I fussed at my parents for bumps in my ponytail...

Cressey spotted Spiffer and GD walking up to a soccer game

Love this

Corrie got married!

HG and I left Cress and John at home, and this is how we found them when we got back.

Cress pretending to put on make up in HG's American Girl vanity

Every morning, Cressey gets out of the car, runs inside to the hall of windows, waves at me from every one, and then blows me a kiss at the last one. You better believe I cause a traffic jam and don't even care- I'm not missing that little kiss!

Because she can 

HG and I were outside at her recess/ room mom meeting when Cressey came walking across from the ECC, and HG scooped her up.

Field Day

Victory over the boys for the nth year in a row! (They've never lost to them in however long they've been doing field days)

Checking on Grandma's kitties when she was out of town. Couldn't leave without a snack, of course.

Zoo date with Presley

Blue is such a helpful kitty

HG's friend came back in town for a visit, and we met at a park. Veronica entertained Cressey almost the whole time, collecting rocks and teaching her how to skip them on the pond.

On one of Cressey's half days, we took a CFA picnic to the Botanic Garden, and said hello to the fish.

Cressey climbed up in the rocking chair, and I had a flashback to HG's 7th birthday party there in 2016 when Cressey was just a month old.

Park fun with Norah

Playroom picnic with Spiffer. Anytime Cress is home with Spiffer and without HG, she wants to be in that play room with sissy's toys!

"Row row row your boat!"

Alison's 40th birthday, and thankfully it wasn't in Oregon! (long story)

I can't even

Michele came in town for a quick visit (John was on an airplane)

Girl loves to clean; keeping herself busy at HG's appointment by cleaning the table and all the toys. The staff love her and freely hand out Clorox wipes!

This cat can't get close enough

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