Wednesday, November 27, 2019

HG Gets Her Ears Pierced

Ever since HG as a little girl saw the Parent Trap movie when they pierce the sister's ear with a big needle, she's been traumatized at the thought of getting her ears pierced. I've been happy to let it go because I remember how much work it takes to keep them healthy and knew that would be hard when she was little. But her friends have slowly been getting theirs done, and then her friend Maddie got hers pierced right as school started. That was the final straw. HG was READY. Like NOW. 

But then soccer season was starting and we realized that she couldn't wear earrings for the games, so we put the plan on pause and she was MAD. She waited (not very) patiently for weeks until the last game, and I made an appointment for immediately after the game on October 26th. Rain hit hard that weekend though, and the game was cancelled. I talked to her coach Friday afternoon, and he gave her the go ahead to move forward with it. I picked her up from Maddie's house that Saturday morning, and she didn't realize we were still on for her appointment and had a mix of absolute panic and delight when I told her the news. 

She was completely overwhelmed and emotional but still wanted to go for it. We met her daddy, Spiffer, and GD at Pigtails and Crewcuts, and she was as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room of rocking chairs, wringing her hands and pacing back and forth. She picked out her earrings and hopped up in the chair. The ladies realized how nervous she was and asked if she wanted to do this, and she emphatically said 'oh yes' but that she just didn't know what to expect. They were amazing and did such a great (and QUICK) job, and the look on her face was priceless. She said it stung a good bit, but she was so relieved to have it done! She wanted to Facetime everyone we know and managed to get Grace Ann and Mere Mere on the phone to tell them her news. She's done a great job of taking care of them too. I'm so proud of her!

GD entertained Cressey with all the fun hair-cutting chairs.

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