Thursday, November 28, 2019

CMT 3.5

She weighs 50 pounds and is 43.5 inches tall. (Not even on the charts)

On Sept. 3rd, Cressey told me in the carpool line, "I'm not going to miss you today, Mommy." She generally loves going to school and getting dropped off in carpool line. We've only had maybe two mornings this semester where she's been tired and didn't want to go to school. Usually, once we get there though, she's fine. Every now and then, she'll ask me to walk her inside, but overall, she hops right out of the car (not to the SDS boy helpers though, only her female teachers) and is joyful. Loves her two half days a week because she doesn't have to take a nap.

She's a massive mama's girl. Only wants mama to put her to bed or do pretty much anything. She's a Velcro baby attached to my side. I can't leave the room without her tearing after me, and if I'm sitting down, she's in my lap.

Can be super shy in a crowd, but once she warms up to you, she's a heart breaker. As a family friend, you usually have to work pretty hard to earn a hug from her though.

Increasingly independent- wants to do most things by herself. Can get herself really worked up quickly too when she can't make something work. Sometimes will put herself in time out though; very rarely do we have to put her there. Most often, a count to 3 will make her suck it up pretty fast.

She's at the precarious crossroad of a toddler becoming a little girl. She still gets pronouns and verb tense confused, and we try to write it all down and video things because we know she's super close to fixing those herself. Uses 'her' as a subject instead of 'she.' "Hers is mad."

Loves to clean counters, etc., and she'll always put her dishes in the sink or trash. Often cleans up after her sister.

She will sleep well at school, but at home, we don't enforce naptime. It's HARD to get her down and then she'll be wide awake at 9 p.m. Sometimes, she'll fall asleep in the car in the mid afternoon if she doesn't have a movie to watch. 

On Sept. 4th, Cress gave me a cookie and said, "Congratulations!"

Cress accidentally called Granddaddy 'Grandma,' then 'Spiffer.' She blew off his corrections with, "Well, you are my grandparent!"

When she woke up early one morning, she said, "I have too much entergy!"

I try to explain that you need to eat all your meal so that you can grow and be strong. She later told me, "I'm full now, Mommy. I'm strong now!" Or she'll negotiate for a snack with saying she'll eat all her "healthy food."

"Can you leave me at Spiffer's and go back home? Can you be a big girl for me and not cry? I'll come back."

"Holy cowS!"

When she tries to say 'fort,' it sounds like 'fork.'

When I woke her up for school one morning, she rolled over, cracked her eyes to see me, and said, "I love you, Mommy."

"PUNK-a-nees" are mini pumpkins.

Cress and HG call each other "little stinker."

On a plane when she and HG were sitting in front of me, she turned around, stuck her face in between the seats twice, and asked me, "Mommy, you ok?"

She loves to find "Mr. Moon" in the sky during the daytime, and one time I told her that the moon said 'hi, sweet cressey!' She said, "Oh, that was nice of you, Mr. Moon!"

ANYTIME you tell her no or simply correct her, she'll tear up and incessantly ask, "DO YOU STILL LOVE ME? A LOT A LOT A LOT?"

If she sees something she wants, she'd not-so-subtly say, "I wish, I wish I had ____"

On November 22nd on the way to school, she was trying to tell me something and HG interrupted her. She turned quickly to HG and snapped, "SSH! I'm talking!"

Unfortunately, she loves to talk about bodily functions. One day when GD and Spiffer were bringing her home from school, she said, "Oooh, something stinks. Granddaddy, you tooted!" GD said, "No ma'am, I did not!" She laughed and said, "Oh. You're right. That was me!"

Loves to say "Hotly (or hotty) toddy, Ole Miss!"

Counting to 30

She has coined the phrase "love me, pet me" for how Momo constantly paws us

Love the way she says "cowd" (cold)

One night at bedtime, I sent HG to take a spit bath while I put Cressey to bed. I popped out of Cressey's bathroom to find her licking herself...

"Duh!" - what happens when you have a preteen sister

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