Thursday, November 28, 2019

CMT's Fall Fest & HGT's Field Trip

Unfortunately, Cressey's first fall fest performance fell on the same day and time as a field trip for Helen Grace. I couldn't miss Cressey being on stage (and had known about that date much longer in advance), so HG wasn't very happy with me for not chaperoning her trip. The other moms on the trip were great at sending lots of pics though, and the tens of waves and smiles from Cressey were worthwhile. She did a great job at paying attention and doing all the hand motions. I can't say enough about our music teachers- they are miracle workers!

Kisses for daddy

Look at that wittle wave!

After the performance, the kids had an hour to play in the gym at the fall fest with a cookie walk, pumpkin decorating, ring toss, etc. For some reason, Cress was obsessed with coloring her mask at the first table and spent the next 55 minutes covering every centimeter of it with bright aqua color. I have no clue why, but she was happy.

Pics from the sisterhood field trip to Crosstown Concourse where they had a cooking class and a yoga class

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