Thursday, May 9, 2019

Cressey's THREE

2nd birthday vs. 3rd birthday

Cressey turned three years old on April 8, 2019. To be fair, these chair pics were taken about a month late.

She's 43 pounds and 41 inches tall.

As of spring break, she is officially sleeping in a big girl bed. She's only asked to go back to the crib maybe once or twice in a fit of delirium. She has tried to escape her bed and/or room for babysitters, but in general, she hollers for us in the morning and won't get out until we come to her. She prefers that we scratch her back and stay with her until she's asleep ("stay just a whittle bit more"), but she will go to sleep on her own if we have to go get HG to sleep too. She hasn't fallen out of the bed either. I've found her in odd positions a time or two, but generally she stays put. She's still a big fan of her pink blanket but really more so for her milky time in the morning and not so much in the bed now that she's got a cover.

She will nap like a champ at school, and she will take a good nap at home too if we make her. We sometimes have to physically make her lay down (and mostly in mama's bed), but she'll sleep for two hours. Sometimes that long nap can make bedtime a bear, so we occasionally forgo the nap and just push through.

Also as of spring break, she is officially potty trained. She will have some accidents in school from time to time when she's playing at gym or recess and doesn't want to stop, but she flew on four flights in May with no issues, even going #2 in public places. (I did make her wear a pull up on the plane just in case, and she demanded to take it off when we landed.)

She is highly addicted to the iPad (specifically Kids YouTube), so we have to be careful how much time we give her.

She's gotten a little shy about drop off at school just in the last month or two. She even sat out of pretty much two entire dance classes because she wouldn't leave my lap. She was a little hesitant of characters at Disney, but she wasn't nearly as shy as HG was at that age. I'm sure it helps her to see HG happy and brave.

She's BIG into hash browns at the moment. Thank you, Chick-fil-A. Might have even surpassed mac and cheese.

She can't go into Cotton Tails without leaving with a new pair or shoes or bow. Really into girly things. Always wants her hair done like sissy's in the morning.

Has finally become a great traveler. She did fantastically on spring break to the Bahamas and to Disney in May, even skipping a nap on the travel day there. She was entertained on the plane with the tv or iPad or coloring pages and lots of snacks. She slept well, was a good sport, cooperated, napped on the go if she had to, etc. She's finally off travel probation!

Big into princesses. Loves all books, movies, etc. of Disney princesses, wants to dress up like them, wear her crowns and jewelry.

Loves on babies everywhere we go, whether it's Poppy Fik or just a stranger. She squeals and wants to touch and hold them.

She's emphatic she's not a baby anymore, but when I act sad that she's not a baby, she tells me, "It's ok, mommy. I'll always be your baby. I just getting bigger." However, she still wants me to carry her like a baby sometimes.

She's had her first mani and pedi as a potty training reward and loved it. I'm waiting for her to hit me up with that again soon.

She's much more self sufficient these days- wants to buckle her own car seat belt, gets into chairs all by herself, throws away her paper plate and puts fork in sink.

She's very polite- "Please, no ma'am." If she realizes she's in trouble, she quickly starts apologizing. Seems to get her feelings hurt when you're mad at her.

She's a very bright and happy child. Quick with a smile and a giggle. Mostly social with strangers and generous with chit chat.

She's still a chunk of love. Has slimmed down a little but still wearing size 5 clothes. Stands out as super tall in her class, and most people think she is much older than 3.

She is always chasing sissy. Wants to do exactly what she's doing and saying. But that excitement/ sister love fest can turn on a dime, and both of them are quick to tattle!

She loves the kitties, and they are pretty tolerant of her too.

She loves her books and wants you to show her where you are in the book so she can follow along with the words.

She is a wonderful medicine taker. Even the nasty stuff, she'll gobble down when mixed with applesauce.

She's taking soccer and ballet. Does a decent job of making contact with the ball; isn't scared of contact. Typically loves spinning and curtsying and does a good job of mimicking her teacher's ballet moves.

She can spell Cressey and knows the rest of her name, although we are working on spelling Toohig. She can pick out the T and double Os.

She still HATES her hands to be dirty. She loves to play outside (has mastered her tricycle), but once she gets pretty dirty, she'll start fussing about her hands. Seems like she'll be a neat kid; likes things clean and in their place.

Loves milk, apple juice, and water. She will never turn down a Capri Sun, and she's been known to sample whatever wine or bourbon are sitting on an end table.

Seems to have the Toohig (John and HG) knack of catching words or tunes of songs. She is often singing along to Top 40 radio as we are driving along. She is constantly humming or singing some kind of song. The Finger Family jingle ("here I am, here I am, how do you do") and "Ba Ba Black Sheep" are her two current go-to's.

Loves taking a bath or shower but hates shampoo or soap.

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