Friday, May 10, 2019

HG Takes Up Softball

Helen Grace decided that she'd like to try playing softball for school this spring. She's truly been hopping between making it to all the softball, riding, and dance practices, not to mention homework- a lot has been asked of her- but she's really enjoyed learning the ins and outs of this new sport. Her coaches say she's a good listener, that she's done a good job of taking constructive criticism and applying it to be better. She has a strong arm and is a good thrower. She has good form and has strong power behind her. She seems to really like the camaraderie and being part of a team. She's loved figuring out how to oil her mitt, coax her glove into her hand's shape, etc. She has taken to watching baseball games on tv and telling her mama all the rules and what the players are doing wrong.

Her first game was on April 29th, and they won! All Cressey could tell you about the night was that Poppy was there, she got to walk Oreo, she jumped on a bouncy, and she got some ice cream after sissy finished whatever it was she was doing...

Trying to be one of the 'big girls' (little sister crew)

Poppy arrives!

HG likes to play right field

Poor Oreo

First at bat

Gets a run!

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