Friday, May 10, 2019

Cressey's Frozen Extravaganza

One of the special things that HG and I share is the love of throwing parties. (Spiffer is our creative director and can make any design inspiration a reality.) This year it was clear that there was no other option than a Frozen party for our little Elsa. We turned our house into a frozen wonderland (which Spiffer noted would have been much easier to source in January than in April- ha!). We had our favorite balloon lady on hand for face paint and balloons, we invited some special guests from Arendelle, and we had a princess bounce house coming. After a stunningly beautiful Saturday, some of the worst spring storms rolled in on Sunday for the party day. There were severe thunderstorms all morning, but right as the party started at 1:00, the rain cleared off for a few hours. The man appeared with the bounce house, and Anna and Elsa were able to arrive without a boat for an entrance. Cressey was initially so excited to see our royal guests, jumping up and down, but she got a little shy with all the excitement. We stole the princesses away outside for a moment alone, and Cressey opened up a bit more. They brought her back inside to blow out her candles, and once the cake had been tasted, she was outside to the bounce house. The girl's day was made!

Getting ready for the big day with snowflakes on the windows

Ms. Balloon let the girls pop some confetti ("snow") balloons to get into the spirit.

All worn out after decorating all day

HG's favorite part of party prep...dipping snacks in chocolate

Getting the "melted snowman" ready

The Elsa cake has arrived!

Wands and icicles (rock candy) were favors..."Cressey thanks you SNOW much for coming!"


Getting a little overwhelmed

HG has really been into picking out her own specific gift for Cressey at holidays, and she did a great job this time too, choosing an Ariel nightgown and Vampirina characters.

Everyone has cleared out, and we have a few minutes of bounce time all to our (delirious) selves.

The sign of a good party

And a successful transfer into the bed- yesss!

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