Friday, April 12, 2019

Toohig Tidbits: March Brings Potty Training, Mani/Pedis, & Big Girl Bed

Cheese dip is the way to Cressey's heart.

This is a new sister favorite activity.

Crazy eyes!

Literally freezing cold barn show; first one with HG's new teacher, Ms. Kylin

Mass with Grandma and HG's second time to be an altar server- and this time she was SOLO! Eek! The priest even gave her a shout out from the pulpit for doing so well under pressure.

How cool for Grandma to get to serve with her too!

Her SAA friend Presley's birthday party at the Art Project. Obviously, she had a BIG time with the painting!


Margaret Grace, Presley, and Cress

HG was a little taken aback when I first told her she couldn't tag along with Cress to the party. There was a joyful reunion when C and I met HG and John for dinner.

Helen Grace dressed up as Helen Keller for her biography book report presentation.

Meeting Emerson B!

Hugs for Bella

Caught in the act: Cressey puts her fork in the sink and paper plate in the trash after she finishes eating.

Book character day at SAA; Cress had her choice of any princess dress, and she chose Tinker Bell.

HG chose Mary from The Secret Garden that we just finished reading.

A rare cuddle captured

The girls crawled in the backseat (in the garage) after we got home from dance. Those are HG's legs. I didn't get it, but they were happy so I did not argue!

The day after we got home from the Bahamas, we started potty training. HG made this crown for Cressey to wear, and she sure did beam with pride when she earned it! She had a handful of teetee accidents the first day or two, but by and large, she really got it quickly. She'd even wake up dry from naps and nighttime. But the #2 progress was slow. On the 18th day, we had clean panties all day, and soon thereafter, we had much more consistent (although not perfect) potty action.

Last night in her baby bed. She was just too long for the crib and would get frustrated that she was crowded with her blanket and friends. She never did climb out of it, but we figured she'd be happier if she had more room. And she was heavy to heave over the side every time too!

Last morning to pick her up out of her crib. She was SO EXCITED for a big girl bed- and HG's!

So we moved HG's bed to Cressey's room and gave HG the brass twin beds I had as a child. I was skeptical about HG being happy with the twins long term, but she has really taken to them. Also, her room looks so cute and tween now. She's thrilled to pieces with all of it. This is where these two spent most of the day while we did all the heavy lifting.

First, we had to take down the baby bed and move HG's bed into Cressey's room. Happy girl in her new bed!

She's now supervising our bringing the twins into HG's room.

All that moving wore her out.

Finished product of C's room

And finished HG's room

We moved HG's desk from her office into her room, and she sits here so much now.

Reading Cress a bedtime story in her bed for the first night. She slept well all night long! Didn't seem to realize she could get out for the longest time (until babysitters and grandparents were here and then she gave it a try).

HG made some artwork for Cressey's door

Look how long she is!

Our first outing in big girl panties (Pyro's for lunch). She successfully teeteed here!

Afterward, we went to get softball gear for HG, and that was pushing Cress a bit. We visited the bathroom at least five times with little to show for it. She's calling HG's bat her broom here!

John and HG have spent a lot of time out in the yard practicing.

Our neighbors the Waltons came over for the first s'mores of the springtime.

All peacefully asleep

And our first zoo outing in big girl panties. This didn't go terribly well...but mama was anxious to get out of the house after three days of not leaving...

Dinner with Bubba went much better (after we stopped at WalMart for more panties).

She loves showing off her new accessories.

Off to shop at the dollar store with GD

Proud owner of a new play cell phone

Fake selfies

Playing at Panera while we kill time before picking up sister. She earned a sucker for having a great day of pottying at school.

Snapchat by HG

My beautiful blue eyed girls

Happy for school

Loaded down with TWO backpacks now that softball practices have begun

We planted some Houghton tulips this winter, and we were THRILLED to see a bud! We go look at them anytime we come in or out of the garage.

Cress and I ran up to my office, and as I passed this mirror in the bathroom, time hit me like a brick. How many times did I look at my baby bump in this mirror three years ago???

Digging for worms

Double dinner date with Whitney and Russell

Cress earned her first official pedi and mani for her potty progress!

She did so well and sat there patiently, minding their every instruction.

Snacking at Grandma's

Cressey dinner date with HG is with Grandma. Weather was perfect, so we had to find a patio (Babalu)

One of Cressey's first people-ish drawings I've seen

Kroger-ing with daddy

Riley at Grandma's

S'mores with SK

She didn't quite understand why I wanted her to pose by these trees at SAA. Couldn't get over the blossoms!

Helping me get ready for her Elsa party

Primping with Roannie

Founders day with Wilma, our international president and fellow Alpha Psi alumna

A day in the life of pre-dinner at the Toohigs

When daddy's out of town and the baby wakes up with a bad dream... (Blue is just out of the picture on my pillow)

Elmwood Cemetery 4th grade field trip

A very rare helpful morning- I was in hog heaven!

Mother daughter picnic at SAA


Chilling with Anna

For Cressey's second week of soccer practice, HG and I had to be in Oxford since my aunt invited her to see a Junie B. Jones play with SK. I entertained myself on the square while they saw the show. Back at home, John took Cressey to soccer (and she teeteed in the port-a-potty at the field) and to CFA for brunch (and teeteed there too).

I had to swing by the DG for an errand, and HG had a ball running around and exploring. She had to find me on every composite.

Brunch at Owen Brennan's

Working hard on party prep

Marcy wanted to go see Dumbo with us. It was Cressey's second movie. She did really well once the sound finally calmed down. She went to the bathroom twice, but otherwise, she stayed in her seat and tuned into it.

The girls were playing the yard, and I stumbled upon this. Think Cressey is a bit like her mama?

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