Sunday, May 12, 2019

Toohig Tidbits: April

At the beach, Cressey breathed in really deep and told Spiffer, "I smell the ocean air. It makes me so happy!"

Cress put on her seat belt on the plane, unprompted, and then proudly said, "I a good traveler!"

"I catched up!"

In early April, both of the girls and I were sitting in the chair in the den. HG got out of it, and I pretended to cry. Cressey said, "Don't cry anymore. Don't be sad. Cressey's here. Just breathe. In and out."

HG's class is tested on a spelling rule each week. One week's rule was about making plurals of words that end in f. As we were driving after school, we went over some words that change to -ves (wolf to wolves), and then I asked her to give me some more f words. She said, "I have one- f-u-c-$!" I about had a wreck, both in shock and laughter. She blamed it on hearing a kid at an Ole Miss game.

The last thing Cressey wants to do when she gets in the car is sit down, and I get really frustrated in parking lots that I have my back turned for so long, trying to get her buckled in. Once I raised my voice and she actually noticed, saying, "Don't be mad at me, mommy." She hasn't started getting settled any quicker though!

C's favorite new term of endearment is "silly goose!"

"We need to talk" - Cressey

"Granddaddy long legs" has a whole new meaning.

Cressey was so happy eating a donut at Gibson's that she said, "Jesus likes these!"

Any bug Cress sees is called 'Cutie.' Ms. Megan noticed it first at school when she stopped in her tracks when she saw an ant on a door jam, got down on her hands and knees, and talked to 'Cutie.' It would crawl under the jam, and she'd get up to stomp on the jam. Out the ant would come and she'd squeal, "Cutie, you're back!" She does this same spiel with any little crawling bug we see now.

I put Cressey in the corner one day, and she's crying, "You broke my heart!"

With the weather turning so nice, we spent a lot of April eating picnics in the driveway.

Getting to snuggle Caroline Duck!!!

Granddaddy long legs!!

When we picked up HG from school and told her the story...

Making her three year old handprint...ooooh, how much easier this is these days...

Rarely do I eat a meal at the kitchen table without Mocha in my lap

When at Spiffer's...

She so rarely falls asleep on her own free well, much less in my lap!

I spy a Blue Blue in those cushions

Never met cheese dip she didn't like

Such a good make up helper

Anna and Elsa have found a new home

Killing time while sissy practices softball

No Fear

Ooooh, Poppy is here!

Practicing sliding in the mud

Can there be too many Elsas?

Ann Maxwell's karaoke birthday party

She found her swimsuit and refused to take it off for a bit

The fourth graders took a field trip to Nashville in a big tour bus which was HIGH excitement!

Meanwhile, Cress went to school...

...and I invited myself to Merigold with my mama and her friends!

HG speaking on the floor!

More killing time while sissy practices

Easter eggs

Ms. Christian's birthday!

We ran into Margaret Grace at CFA, and a huge love fest ensued!

The big girls were good sports and entertained themselves with SnapChat while the little girls played. 

When sissy leaves her milkshake in the back seat, it's fair game.

Refusing to dance and making mama come sit in the classroom (She eventually did get up and dance a little bit.)

Seeing "Penguins" on Good Friday, Cressey's second movie

She wanted to help Jody mop the floors

Making some goodies for Daddy's birthday gathering

There's no sharing corn dip with this girl

For some reason, these two corners are some of their favorite hiding spots in the house.

"Stay with me just a whittle bit longer, mama"

Playing with Brandy's kittens

"Come to Cressey, kitties!"

SAA 4th grade egg hunt at the Tanseys

The big kids were good sports about Cressey not being able to wait to hunt.

The Garibaldis adopted the school's chicks, and they brought them to the egg hunt so the kids could play.

Dinner with the Hasseltines

Her first dandelion necklace, made my one of HG's friend's grandmothers

I caught them pretending together for one of the first times. It was glorious!

She refused to take off her oven mitt...

We chased down her dance friend, Norah, when we saw her go into school before us.

Strolling with Joiner

We met him at the playground after school too

"Mary and baby Jesus"

The Ducks joined us at the zoo on a beautiful afternoon after school.

She can officially climb this thing by herself. Terrifying yet exciting

Dying to see what sissy's doing in there

We were running some errands in Saddle Creek, and she decided she was ready to eat at right that moment and walked into Stoney River. I was a little nervous about it, but we found a fun table by the open kitchen and had a great waitress that kept Cress entertained. We had a great ladies' lunch!

HG had a horse show while Aunt Edie and Uncle Gene were here to cheer her on!

Meanwhile, Cress had soccer practice at the exact same time, so John took her and sent us pics.

Then, she had a slumber party at Rachel's that night.

Cress shaking her booty at us

Cressey was so sad about HG going to a slumber party that she convinced us to let her sleep in her sleeping bag on top of her bed.

All dressed up for brunch with Edie, Gene, and grandparents

HG and her buddies once again had a lemonade stand for LeBonheur, busting through last year's $600 raised and making over $700 for the hospital!

Reunited after a crazy weekend of everyone going different ways

Helping GD change a light bulb

And helping mama build something for the AR auction at school

She's cashing in her money earned from helping me at school...

More waiting on sissy

First visit to Jerry's of the season (and the new location too); I promise she does have shorts on- we just stripped her jumper so she could eat more freely/ not worry about stains.

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