Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Santa 2018

Cressey got two shots at Santa this year. On December 7th, SAA had Cocoa with Santa at school. She was interested to meet him and enjoyed eyeing him as we waited in line. When it was our turn, she was ok with approaching him but didn’t want to touch him, so I had to hop in the picture as well. She was silent and didn’t really talk to him. This was a Friday, not a normal school day for her, but we had to take make up school pics that day due to the earlier meltdown/refusal. This time, she was very cooperative, although she did still have to hold my hand off screen, and I am hopeful we got a decent pic!

2018-12-07 08.26.54

2018-12-07 08.39.14

She loves to hold doors like this these days.

2018-12-07 08.51.31

On December 16th, we invited Santa over to our house for a party, complete with Whimsy cookies, a hot chocolate bar, reindeer food for the kids to take home (made by HG), and even balloon decor galore. HG and I had planned for weeks, even making hot cocoa holders for the cups and HG picking out a Santa’s helper outfit.

Cressey had thrown up several times (but tested positive for strep- maybe it was that that made her sick?) earlier in the week, and then I woke up in the middle of the night before Santa’s engagement with a stomach bug. We had to let our friends know about the increased germ potential, and only one dear friend (and our parents) showed up. We all totally understood, but HG was crushed. We tried to look at it as a great opportunity for one on one time for our girls with Santa, and he was wonderful about it. Cressey was more chatty with him this time, pulled his beard and will tell you ‘it’s real,’ but she still wouldn’t touch him. Over the holiday season, she seemed to be set on asking for a pumpkin for Christmas (‘because she loves Halloween’), although her requests often changed or don’t make a lot of sense (‘blue or purple’).  

Seeing Santa arrive


I got out of bed for just this moment of Santa’s arrival and then went back to quarantine. I tried to hide from Cressey, but she saw me as she ran to the door to greet him. She stopped in her tracks, ran backwards, and squealed, “Mommy!” I shooed her onto the door where she saw Santa and soon forgot about me, but it did my sad heart good knowing she got sidetracked from Santa by Mama.

2018-12-20 22.00.43-1

2018-12-16 15.24.04

2018-12-16 15.28.25

2018-12-16 15.30.24


2018-12-16 15.46.40

2018-12-16 16.18.45



I got to have a quick visit from afar with her right before bedtime. Heartbreaking yet fulfilling. Motherhood is tough business!

2018-12-16 16.30.51

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