Saturday, January 5, 2019

CMT’s First Movie: Mary Poppins Returns

On New Year’s Eve, John met the girls and me at a much anticipated event- 1) Mary Poppins Returns (finally!) and 2) Cressey’s first time at the movies! We really hyped it up, and Cressey couldn’t wait to see the “big scream” (big screen). HG was giddy as she showed her the ropes, explaining tickets, helping her pick out a snack (Skittles, of course), and counting all the theatres we walked past until we got to ours. HG convinced her to cuddle up in her seat with her and was ready to cover her ears when the loud previews started. Cressey was thankful for the help apparently because as HG started to move her hands away, Cress quickly pulled them back over her ears. Luckily, she finally adjusted to the noise and let HG put her hands down!

During the movie, the girls and I took a bathroom break. Cress was following HG as she ran down the ramp leaving the theatre, and she tripped and landed on her face on the carpet. She understandably lost it, had a tiny bit of a nosebleed, and banged up her nose pretty good. HG hopped right into comedian mode and after a lot of work, got her laughing again.

The movie was over two hours long, so Cressey started getting a little antsy toward the end but just went from lap to lap and wasn’t disruptive. She loved the movie and squealed, “Mary Poppins!!!,” every time she saw her enter a scene. She’s been telling everyone about going to the movie with the “big scream,” how she and sissy ate so many Skittles, and how loud it was. Sounds like a success to me!

 2018-12-31 12.04.21

2018-12-31 12.07.27

2018-12-31 12.25.19

2018-12-31 12.27.49

2018-12-31 15.09.07

2018-12-31 14.52.25

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