Tuesday, January 1, 2019

HG’s Christmas Program

Cressey got to join us to watch Helen Grace’s lower school Christmas program this year (at her sister’s invitation), and even though we woke her up from a nap to attend, she was in great spirits. HG’s class performed several songs, as well as an Irish dance. We were all so proud of her, but none more than her little sissy.

A funny story to note…Cressey asked at one point during the show to go to the potty. I hesitated but thought I should give her a chance when she asks, so off we went. And she did potty to my surprise! When we got back to our seats, she proudly and loudly told her grandparents, “I went potty! I tinkled!” She asked one more time which turned out to be a false alarm, and with the third request to leave the gym, Granddaddy just took her for a walk around the lobby.

Cressey’s class had their “party” that morning, so she got to wear something festive and have a special snack and sticker activity (which Ms. Megan oohed and aahed over her ability to match so many challenging stickers within a book).

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