Thursday, January 3, 2019

Getting Ready for Christmas

Cressey’s first gingerbread house

2018-12-11 18.39.06

2018-12-11 19.09.50

2018-12-11 19.10.23

2018-12-12 06.00.33

HG’s class Christmas party

2018-12-11 20.58.45

LOVE this ornament they made!

2018-12-13 19.25.47

And Cressey’s too- precious!

2018-12-13 20.15.15

2018-12-14 16.35.53

Wrapping gifts

2018-12-18 17.26.39

Shaking the gifts…

2018-12-19 17.09.06-1

And she found a kitty under there!

2018-12-19 17.11.22

Opening gifts with Spiffer, GD, and Bubba

2018-12-23 11.59.44

2018-12-23 12.30.19

This study pillow, blanket, and lap desk were big hits with HG.

2018-12-23 12.32.22

Cressey loved the washing machine and cleaning supplies. She squealed, “Oh my goodness!!!,” as she opened EVERY gift.

2018-12-23 12.32.46

2018-12-23 12.35.13

2018-12-23 13.22.13

2018-12-23 18.37.21

2018-12-23 19.12.31

HG drew this nativity on the bathroom mirror. Cressey has had a hard time understanding ‘baby Jesus.’ Sometimes she thinks SHE is the baby. Other times she thinks it’s a baby angel because of the halo that is usually over His head. And she even claims she has Baby Jesus in her tummy, like how Mary had Him in her tummy on the way to Bethlehem. It’s a lot of details for a two year old to take in!

2018-12-24 10.01.32

On Christmas Eve day, we just had to get out of the house for a bit. HG wanted to paint pottery, so off we went to let them paint Christmas ornaments. Another first for Cress.

2018-12-24 10.32.57

2018-12-24 10.44.06

“I paint my face green like Elphaba!” (witch from Wicked musical)

2018-12-24 10.44.10

2018-12-24 10.53.30

Helping me set the dining room table for Christmas lunch. GG was smiling down from heaven.

2018-12-24 15.28.47

2018-12-24 15.29.09

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