Monday, November 19, 2018

Zoo Boo 2018

We decided to tackle Zoo Boo with Cressey this year, despite it being such a late night. Cressey has been obsessed with all things spooky (“it not scah-wy, it ‘tend”- not scary, just pretend), and she loooooooved to trick or treat. Both girls were all about the candy! HG wore her Hermione costume, and Cressey wore whatever princess dress she would willingly put on. This time, it was Elsa, with her light up Disney on Ice wand, of course.

2018-10-19 17.26.27-1

2018-10-19 17.54.50

Cressey loved the flying witches at the entrance

2018-10-19 17.55.11

First trick or treat tent

2018-10-19 17.58.43

2018-10-19 17.58.46-1

Train ride

2018-10-19 18.17.01

2018-10-19 18.27.51

2018-10-19 18.31.37

2018-10-19 18.47.27

Cressey refused the camel ride (even though she’d done it before and loved it).

2018-10-19 18.47.36

Sweet big sissy

2018-10-19 18.57.32

2018-10-19 18.58.30

Surveying their spoils

2018-10-19 19.05.54

And the inevitable meltdown…at least it came at the car at the end of the night.

2018-10-19 20.05.19

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