Sunday, November 18, 2018

HG Takes on Broadway: 101 Dalmatians

In years past, HG has thought about trying out for the school play, but she was too nervous to recite some lines and sing in front of the teachers (and her peers) for the audition. This year though, she was brave and decided to give it a go. The lower school was putting on 101 Dalmatians, and she got the part of Anita, their human owner. They performed twice during the school day for the kids and then Thursday and Friday nights for the parents (October 25-26). For the record, Cressey sat through one performance at school and two shows with us, and she didn’t make a PEEP.

Helen Grace had SO MUCH FUN and wished she could do even more acting. Looks like our girl might have found a new passion!

She had a huge cheering section on Thursday night- all grandparents, Bubba, Addie, Cam, Hastings, and Emily and Ann Maxwell Coats. She was in hog heaven with all her cheers and flowers!

At bedtime of the first night of the show, I asked Cressey what her favorite part of her day was. She said, "Sissy on stage!"

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2018-10-25 17.04.04
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2018-10-25 18.05.12
She even had a little solo
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2018-10-25 18.08.40
2018-10-25 18.09.26
2018-10-25 18.13.16
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2018-10-25 18.47.26

All of her grandparents were there on Friday night too, and we celebrated with dinner at Newk’s afterward. Cressey wore a polka dot dress, and Grandma pointed out she looked like a Dalmatian. Ever since, she asks to wear her “puppy dog dress!”

2018-10-26 17.49.40
2018-10-26 18.01.46
2018-10-26 18.47.55

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