Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Toohig Tidbits

HG loves to put the lid of her princess potty down, pull it up to my sink, and use it as a step. After her bath the other day, she was standing on the step naked, and she suddenly got the urge to tee tee before I could get a diaper on her. Afterward, she proudly hollered, “I tee teed on the potty, Mommy!!”  No, baby, you tee teed ON the potty, not IN the potty. And when I put it in the bathtub to clean it off, the potty’s music went off and she did her happy dance. Agh!

I asked her to help me look for my phone when I had misplaced it. She responded, “Sure, I have good eyes.”

In a typical toddler moment, for some unknown reason she jumped up off my lap on the couch in the den and ran screaming into the living room. She suddenly got quiet and then walked calmly back to John and I into the den. She said, “Somebody threw up on the couch,” and then we realized that she had found a hairball in the living room. While I was bellyaching about how my cats seem to only puke on expensive furniture, she said (much to John’s chagrin), “Don’t worry, Mommy. Daddy will clean it up.” Ha, I like this arrangement!

Her brain is constantly moving. If only I had a quarter for every time I hear, “I got an idea,” or “That a good idea?” Maybe we can thank Twist from Fresh Beat Band. :)

When she knows she’s done something wrong, she’ll run away from me and into another room, crying, “Mommy mad at me!!!!” And also, when she apologizes for doing something bad, she’ll say, “Sorry, Mommy. I didn’t mean to,” …even when she threw something on the ground while staring right at me….grrr. I’m trying to teach her that she can at least have the courtesy to change her standard ‘excuse’ when she’s done something on purpose!

John has said that all she’s going to remember from her childhood is my asking her, “Do you understand me?!” I apparently like to make sure she understands the lesson I’m trying to teach her. Eek! Must be my Type A coming out again!

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