Sunday, May 6, 2012

Garbage Trucks Are Cool

Who knew a garbage truck could be so fun?? We were walking out to the car the other day, and the garbage truck came rumbling down the street. HG freaked out and went running toward the end of the driveway to watch.

“It’s too bright, Mommy!”IMG_1539 So excited!IMG_1540 IMG_1542

As we were walking back down the driveway from picking up the garbage can…

HG:  Why is that mommy sitting there?

Mama:  {Looking around for a neighbor sitting outside somewhere} Baby, I don’t see anyone. Where?

HG:  Right there, on the ground- the mommy BIRD!

There is *another* killdeer nest in the same exact place as the one in March/April with four eggs! The mama bird flew off to distract, squawking like crazy.

HG:  Mommy, what she saying?

Mama:  She’s probably telling us to go away and leave her baby eggs alone.

HG:  That’s not a very nice thing to say. She’s mean.

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