Thursday, May 10, 2012

First Trip to the Spa with Mama

On Wednesday, I braved a first for me…I took Helen Grace to the spa with me. I needed a pedicure and thought that if I made a big deal about getting one, Helen Grace might decide she’d like me to give her one as well. She still fights me when I try to work on her nails. Surprisingly, she was SO GOOD. I am still shaking my head.

They put us in the waiting room until our lady was ready, and she checked out all the decorations very quietly and had fun climbing up in the big chair. (She thought she was pretty cool.) When they called us back, she was wide eyed and shy, but then they pulled out a big coloring book and box of crayons. That entertained her for about half the time. Later, the technician rolled over a little chair that was just her size, and she sat beside my feet and played in the water and bubbles. She really behaved so well and ended up being pretty chatty and polite.

If you ask her if she wants a pedicure, she’ll say excitedly, “Yes!,” but she still yanks her hand/foot away if you reach for it. Maybe we’ll just have to go together again for her to get serious about it. ;) I see many, many girls’ trips to the spa in our future!

goulds goulds1 goulds2 

And an extra pic for you…look how long her pony tail is getting!pony

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