Thursday, May 24, 2012

Cupcakes in the Park

On Wednesday, we celebrated Helen Grace’s third birthday with cupcakes and playtime with our MOTs friends at Howard-McVay Park in Germantown.

Man, good fortune was on our side that day. I didn’t turn into a Mom-zilla, I didn’t forget anything, we made it there EARLY (with the help of Spiffer and Granddaddy), the weather was a cool 75 degrees with a gentle breeze, HG had very minimal toddler moments, and the entire park (two playgrounds, a pavilion with tables, and lots of room to run) was completely shaded. We couldn’t have asked for more! And I felt like it was as much of a treat for me to play with my mommy friends as it was for HG to run wild with her buddies. :)

Thanks to all our friends for coming to celebrate with us and making our little girl feel like a princess, and thanks to Granddaddy and Spiffer for helping me load and unload, pushing swings for hours, chasing sugar crazed kids, and running them around in the wagon- we gave you quite the workout!

Swinging with SpifferIMG_1738 Saying hello to Baby BrooksIMG_1744 Camille (‘Mille’) and HGIMG_1746 Finley’s here!!IMG_1749 She was telling Callum something very important.IMG_1751 Cheese!IMG_1752 These two crack me up!IMG_1753 The best shot I could get of HG and Emsley.IMG_1757HG, Will, CamilleP1020505Playing with PorterP1020540

She’s still not a fan of being sung to.

Chow down timeIMG_1760 IMG_1761 IMG_1762P1020527 P1020533 Where’s Camille??IMG_1763The beach balls were meant to be favors but ended up being endless entertainment.IMG_1766 IMG_1769 Big swing by Spiffer and GranddaddyIMG_1771 Ryan and Mason let HG have a ride in their wagon- BIG hit.IMG_1772 Hands in the air!IMG_1774 IMG_1779

You’d think  that she was toast from this pic…IMG_1782But when she hit the bed, she found her second wind, as well as the energy to open her presents and woof down some Chick-fil-A.P1020568 P1020574

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