Tuesday, June 20, 2023

8th Grade Graduation

On May 24th, we celebrated Helen Grace's 8th grade graduation. (I was very thankful that her dress passed the test- was hard to find one that met all the dress code rules!) We were so proud that she was awarded the STAR Award, the Presidential Award for Educational Excellence (3.5 GPA or higher for all of junior high), and an award for performing more than 25 hours of community service.

A description of the STAR Award... "It is often said that St. Agnes is not just a school; it is a way of life. STAR Awards are presented by the faculty of St. Agnes to those students who in their daily lives at school create a positive environment by demonstrating a spirit of cooperation, a diligent work ethic, and a willingness to go the extra mile."

First day of lower school (1st grade) and last day of lower school (8th grade)

She had a few lines to read, ironically about the tradition of saddle oxfords!

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