Monday, January 17, 2022

Merry Christmas! 2021

For Christmas this year, we switched up our tradition a little bit and hosted our Moore family lunch on Christmas Eve instead of Christmas day. The girls were so helpful with putting together the recipes on the 23rd, and then we just put them in oven Christmas Eve morning. It was really nice to have everyone together again! At dinnertime, we went to Jeanne's for our in-front-of-the-fireplace Christmas Eve tradition, and then on Christmas day, we stayed in our pajamas and all the grandparents joined us in the fun at our house (with poppyseed chicken and mimosas on demand). Couldn't have been a better or more relaxing holiday!

I have so many memories of GG teaching me how to set the table, so I try to soak up these times of explaining to Cressey where the utensils go. She loves it!

She loves writing everyone's names on their wineglasses too.

William is just one of the kids

The kids' table (minus Kellum who was playing in the playroom)

The big kids' table

The grown ups' table

The birthday cousins (one day apart)

Kellum finally emerged from the playroom!


This girl loves new pajama gowns

I wish I could remember why she gave me this look- lol! I am going to blame it on her sister...

HG's haul

Cressey's haul (ALL she has asked for from Santa has been this OMG house)

This weighted blanket was a big hit!

Santa got a little neglected this year, but he didn't mind. He just rummaged in the pantry like the girls usually do.

"Spiffer and Granddaddy, I GOT THE OMG DOLL HOUSE!!!"

Granddaddy even approved of HG's big cozy chair!

Cressey's VERY OWN AMERICAN GIRL DOLL (she named it Margaret)

Lots and lots of Legos that Daddy and Grandma pitched in on

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