Saturday, January 1, 2022

Cressey as THE Star

As a kindergartner, this was Cressey's year to be a part of the living nativity in the ECC Christmas program, and she was a 'star!' Like THE star of Bethlehem! She knew every single line of the performance. For example, one night in the bathtub, I asked her who were the wisemen. Like which boys in her class were playing the wisemen. And she rattled off, "Balthasar of Araaaaabiaaaa brought myrrrrrrhhhh," etc. with mucho gusto. I was so impressed! As I sat in the gym waiting for the performance to start, I began to get nervous. The star had to walk all the way across the gym all by herself and lead the wisemen to baby Jesus. But as I watched Cressey sitting on the sidelines, I realized she had her game face on, and man, she led those wisemen with fortitude! She was in charge and pleased with herself! She stood over baby Jesus with pride, and we couldn't have been more proud of HER!! We are so thankful for teachers that put in so much time and practice with these kiddos that they were at ease and comfortable with their roles and were happy to perform in front of their families.

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