Thursday, April 29, 2021

Cressey Turns FIVE

Still eats mainly mac and cheese, pizza, strawberries (wet and dry), blueberries, and strawberry popsicles (and lots of SNACKS, lawd). She will cry like you are beating her if you make her eat ONE green bean. She'll eat mostly any fruit but pineapple though. Doesn't seem to be as much of a chocoholic as HG, but she'll tear up some chips and cheese dip or just chocolate chip cookie dough.

Has tried basketball and tball this school year. LOVED basketball, hot or cold on tball. Really depends on the location of practice and her level of preparedness and accessories. Doing soccer and ballet again/ still, and she really likes both (although in soccer she mainly likes to stand in front of the goal). 

LOVES her friends but still has some shy moments or she gets upset if they want to do something different than she does.

LOVES her grandparents and will always give big hugs and kisses and tell them she loves them.

Very much into watching Kids YouTube on her iPad these days. Rarely watches tv, but she does like to watch Secrets of the Zoo in the car. Loves videos and "science" books on the planet and the solar system. 

Still never met a bug or flower she didn't have to hold and keep (same with rocks and sticks).

Thanks me for all the little things

Loves to do a good 'booty dance' when she celebrates. Loves to run naked from the den to the shower. 

So far, she's never had to move a clip down in JK and regularly moves them up for extra good behavior. She's very conscientious about following instructions and does NOT want to disappoint her teachers or us. Her teacher gives bracelets for good behavior (good listener, good rester, kind friend, etc.), and she earns one nearly every day. It's a very effective reward for her! At home, she can be a bit cheeky at first when you tell her not to do something, but the minute she realizes that you are serious and she's pushed it too far, she breaks down into tears. Hurts her heart.

Sleeps like a champ. Easy to put to sleep, sleeps all night, and wakes up at a decent time. She has very recently decided that she no longer wants to sleep in a room with all the lamps on, and now she turns off every single light. In June, she added a sleep mask to her regime. She knows not to come out of her room until her light turns green, and if you leave an iPad in her room on weekend nights, she'll stay in bed playing until you holler at her to come downstairs. Doesn't nap regularly but will very rarely fall out in the car on long car rides or after an extra long day. 

Has taught herself to whistle and desperately wants to snap (updated to add that she mastered snapping in June)

Wearing 7/8 clothes and almost out of a size 12 shoe. Around 60-65 pounds and 47-48 inches tall.

Last sleep as a 4 year old

Waking up as a 5 year old (almost)!

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