Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Sunny Cat

When Helen Grace turned five, we had two cats, Rebel and Mocha, and we promised her that she could get her own kitten at that big age marker of five. Enter Blue cat! He has always known that he was HG's baby and really goes to her over anyone else. So Cressey has always known that when she turned five, she could also have her own kitten. She has been pretty insistent over the last year that it would be a purple colored girl cat named Purple. Eeek! 

On Easter Sunday, John surprised her with a red colored boy cat named Sunny! And she hasn't looked back to Purple since. John and I had settled on his name a few days before he came home (because of his color, buttercups were in full bloom, came home on Easter Sunday {Son}), and we mentioned it in passing one time as we literally passed a patch of flowers ("Aren't those flowers so sunny? Wouldn't that be a cute kitty name?), and she latched on to the name- thankfully! 

She had no idea what was in store for that day. John had been gone, and when she heard the garage door open, she asked if she could go show something to Daddy. She fell right into the plan!

Cressey says these are the rules for having a kitten...

Rule 1: Don't pull his tail. That's rude to a kitty.

Rule 2: If you love him, play with him.

"Is that my baby kitten?!? Is that my baby kitten?! I'm your mama! I've never been a mama. I need to feed him milk. I'M SO LUCKY!"

Mocha was very interested immediately. Smelled him, kissed him, and then was over it.

Blue finally came around and wasn't terribly happy about it. Since then, he's been just a few steps behind him wherever he goes. Sunny has been known to dish it back to him though!

Old regime versus the new

And some early pics of Sunshine, Sun Sun, Sunny Boy before he joined our family...

Sunny and his sister Dymond

In John's car on the way home to us!

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