Friday, May 8, 2020

Toohig Tidbits: April

On Easter Eve, a sad Cressey asked, "Can we hug people after Easter?" Also, HG has taught her to call it 'the sickness.'

In the bath, Cressey saw a mole on her and said, "I still have that kiss from God!" She looked up and said, "Thank you, God!"

Cressey prayed, "Thank you for the robins. Give us a good day to keep us alive."

In the car, the GPS lady told us which to turn. Cressey said, "Wha?! Come on, Alexa!"

Cress often chooses to go on our nightly walk in her pajamas. (Heck, these days, she rarely agrees to wear anything BUT her jamas) But as we walked out the door, HG nodded at her, scoffed, and said, "Second kid."

In the middle of the middle of the night, I hear the cat howling somewhere in the house (which happens all the time when they are lonely/ don't know where we are). I look over at the monitor as I hear Cressey holler without lifting her head, "Mo! It's okay! I'm up here!"

"Don't I look super fabulous?!" - Cressey wearing a gown, kitty cat socks, and clear jelly princess heels

"God is the most beautiful thing in the world. He died and now he's an angel!"

We are *this* level of bored...

One of the only times where both of them are working on school work at the SAME TIME

Baking something...probably banana bread...

I can't get over that wittle hand

"Can you see me?"

Thanking our mailman

Time for school work on the patio

These outfits of Cressey's are keeping us on our toes

HG putting Cressey to bed one night- glorious! Cressey actually requested HG put her to sleep several nights in a row. HG just loved it.

A sign that Cressey has been here...

My workout buddy

And she gives up so she and sissy can have a snack

And then she decides to take a rest directly on top of mama

More baking

And finally they get to work

But even that was short lived

Sweet notes from their dentist

One afternoon, HG could tell I had just had my fill of responsibility, so she very sweetly volunteered to take Cressey outside. I was working at my computer in the kitchen and noticed some activity outside. HG and a reluctant Cressey were performing a "soap opera" that was thoroughly entertaining!

Family dinner via FaceTime

Bedtime sisterly cuteness caught on the monitor

Best $20 on Amazon I've ever spent


Worm hunting

John came home from Kroger with armfuls of tulips- just what the doctor ordered!

Our sweet neighbors brought us palm fronds for Palm Sunday

Working on writing her name

HG and I were bound and determined to blow up this carriage pool, despite not being able to find the pump. We were dizzy afterward, but we did it!

Such a helpful Momo


We have cocoons!

We woke up one morning to find a butterfly had hatched. As we cooked breakfast, we got to see at least three hatch out and learn to use their wings. So amazing!

"I'm this tall, mama!"

What could go wrong with this scenario???

Cress always starts out strong, but she never makes it to the end of the cove on her bike. This time, sissy was there to help her out.

Making meatballs for the first time

Even in sleep, she won't let go of mama

Saying goodbye to the butterflies. As predicted, she was totally fine with it until the last one flew off. Thankfully, he was a little hesitant too, and our animal whisperer, HG, was able to coax him back off several tree limbs and back onto her finger. She and Cressey both got to hold him a lot until he was finally ready to fly.

Puzzle master (with some help from sissy)


Cress likes to pretend to be a winter fairy, Periwinkle, and make me be a summer fairy, Tinker Bell. We were pretending this in the shade line of the patio, and HG came outside just in time to come up with an idea to help Periwinkle 'stay cold' on the summer side.

Game time

I can't even get a minute alone in the bathroom. I was telling her here to get out and give me some privacy, and she was laughing, "You so silly, mama!"

My girls love to mop- who knew?

"A handstand"

Blue Blue was very interested in Cressey's new hamster toy

Blue Blue is always watching

HG made a thank you poster for the doctors and nurses

We did a drive by at the Ducks!

"Go FAST, daddy!"

HG decided she wanted to rearrange her room, and because it seemed easy and I was in a weak moment, I said yes. It really was a simple switch-a-roo, and she was on cloud 9! She even let Cressey come up there and play with her for a bit. They closed the door, and I snuck in through the side door to get this picture. So sweet!

Underfoot isn't a strong enough term- "under body?"

HG invited Cressey to sleep in her room one night. HG almost backed out at the last minute, but she made the right decision and let her come on in. They had some very quiet bumps in the night, but they made it! HG says it won't happen again soon though...

Quarantine style picnic with Presley and fam, from a parking space away of course

I ordered some cross stitching sets from Etsy as a time filler idea, and HG caught on like wildfire. She had one of Yoda, I had a funny saying, and Cressey got a first time sewing set of a snail. We were all happy as larks!

Blue has been most mesmerized by the string. Mocha could care less.

A happening Friday night

This little cocktail table has turned into our greenhouse. The girls love watering their plants and snails and whatever else kind of wildlife they are keeping an eye on that day.

One more peaceful school moment for BOTH of them- very rare

A quarantine visit with Maddie in the driveway

HG tied for her class' best hair-do

Disney sing-a-long

In a million years, I never dreamed HG would love to clean toilets. With this new toilet wand, she's been willing to clean them anytime I ask (along with $1/toilet, which is totally fine with me).

Cressey drew this person all by herself!

Daddy's birthday celebration around the fire pit

Bubble wrap is endless entertainment

More banana bread

Trying lasagna for the first time

Cress made a rare (willing) appearance on one of HG's class calls

Whatever it takes for mama to get the laundry done

Had an unruly audience while I tried to work out

Pops for daddy

Letting some snails go and getting some new ones (they are all color coordinated with nail polish, of course)

This girl keeps trying to be taller than I am!

The snail penthouse

My little workout helper

Blue is really interested in Cressey outside playing with the snails and the bird feeder just outside this door

Dirty feet!

"I'll never let you go, sissy!"

Breakfast with the snails, letting them have some exercise

Would only practice if I convinced her that her bird needed to work on her letters too

I came out of the shower to find these cuties cuddled up in our room

John had a math lesson of his own for HG- margaritas!

This is how mama feels about fifth grade math

Showing me her muscles

We didn't have light enough weights for her, so soup cans it was!

Well, thanks, Momo, that's a great spot for you

She gave up on our workout...

Celebrity day for HG's class call...Justin Bieber


Not so genius (painting an old table)

Hey Bluesy!

Just some old fashioned mopping

Every Southern girl gets excited about monogramming, right??? (snails and fairies)

My workout buddy is 'snoozing' on the job

Cressey asked, "What's this? Where are all the buttons?!"

This 'fairy bed' in the 'fairy house' is getting a little too small

She had to write her name on the fairy house so they'd know it was hers

I got this Seaside sweatshirt for a birthday gift for HG, and now that the weather is warming up, I gave it to her a little early so she could get some wear out of it. It's an adult small and is huge on her, and she's wearing it constantly. Over the winter, she confiscated one of my Ole Miss sweatshirts and wore it all the time- the beginning of the clothes sharing...

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