Friday, May 22, 2020

First Zoo Experience in Masks

The zoo opened back up on May 13th, and we were chomping at the bit to go! Masks are required now, which was a bit of a new challenge, but when our friends asked us to meet them there on the 14th, we decided we'd get used to the masks in order to have some fresh air and "new" places to run!

Cressey surprised me and wore the mask in the car all the way to the zoo, and she was mostly cooperative with it once we got inside. We stopped at a picnic area and had a snack break, so we got a little breathing break too. This is a weird new normal (what will we do when it's 100 degrees?!), but we are slowly adjusting.

The zoo was such a refreshing adventure. There were no crowds at all. (We got there around 3:30.) The zoo routed you on a one way loop around the zoo to minimize contact, and all the inside exhibits were closed. While Cress missed the bats and sloths, I wasn't too sad about it!


While HG and Maddie were standing at this window of the monkey exhibit, a monkey swung wildly RIGHT at their window. They both screamed, and HG about flipped over backwards- so so funny!

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