Sunday, December 16, 2018

CMT’s First Oxford Trip

The girls had all of Thanksgiving week off of school, and my sweet aunt invited HG to Oxford to spend the night with her and her granddaughter, SK. Cressey and I met them for lunch with Bubba, and then off they went on their adventure.

The next morning, Cressey and I drove down to pick them up, which was her first time to Oxford (since she has such a tough traveling/ being trapped in a seat record). She spent most of the drive saying ‘Mama’ and asking to get OUT, but we survived.

We went to lunch at Boure and to Square Books Jr., and then we made our way back to Memphis. It was a quick trip, but HG and I enjoyed introducing Cressey to the square.

Lunch with Bubba

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Bowling fun in Oxford

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Pizza for dinner and cookies for dessert

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Then a brisk walk around the square to see the lights

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Cressey’s first jaunt around the square

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Couldn’t get all three to cooperate at the same time

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Saying hi to Faulkner

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Both HG and SK had their noses in their new books.

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They must have missed each other…

2018-11-21 17.49.45

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