Sunday, August 5, 2018

Pony Camps

As usual, HG couldn’t just do one week of pony camp in the blazing summer temperatures. She had to do two weeks. But she talked one of her BFFs, Maddie, into doing the second one with her, and they had a ball!

For her first week’s show, she rode on Dillon, the biggest horse in the barn. I was a LITTLE nervous, but she was thrilled to be able to ride him. They both did a great job!

Cressey thought she was going to pony camp too
2018-06-26 08.30.53
2018-06-29 09.42.23
2018-06-29 09.42.24
2018-06-29 09.47.01
2018-06-29 09.48.50-1
I couldn’t even see over Dillon’s back when I was standing right next to him. HUGE!
2018-06-29 09.49.32
2018-06-29 10.01.52
2018-06-29 10.06.54
2018-06-29 10.13.28 HDR
2018-06-29 10.28.13
2018-06-29 11.46.50

The second week was the first time HG competed in jumps (poles in x format with ends on the ground) versus cavalettis (pole laying flat on the ground). AND she won 1st place in that class!! We were so proud of her! She rode Tony this time.

2018-07-13 08.59.27
2018-07-13 09.05.41-2
2018-07-13 09.20.47-2
2018-07-13 09.28.40
2018-07-13 09.29.23-1
2018-07-13 09.32.00
2018-07-13 09.34.30
2018-07-13 09.36.53
2018-07-13 09.51.55-1
2018-07-13 09.53.45
2018-07-13 10.46.33

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