Monday, May 30, 2016

Toohig Tidbits

I know, I know. I’m way behind with sharing pics to Cressey and Helen Grace’s biggest fans. Soooo sorry! Here is a huge drop of pics, and I’ll follow up soon with some good HG stories!

2016-05-06 21.09.13
HG on the left at 2 wks old; Cressey on the right at 4 wks old
2016-05-07 09.38.02
HG left at 3 wks old; Cressey right at 4 wks old
2016-05-07 09.40.09
2016-05-07 10.09.12-2
2016-05-07 10.21.05
2016-05-07 12.26.16
2016-05-07 14.15.56-2
2016-05-07 14.22.54
2016-05-08 21.40.14
2016-05-09 06.49.05
2016-05-09 07.46.12
2016-05-09 13.03.49
2016-05-10 05.04.56
2016-05-10 06.06.20
Nosy cat
2016-05-10 13.56.26
2016-05-10 14.52.04
Memphis in May BBQ Fest: HG and I had a fun date night going downtown to the Vaco tent on friends and family night. She always has a ball down there, exploring the tent and watching people from her perch. She was really into the flags this year.
2016-05-11 17.44.01
2016-05-11 17.46.40-2
2016-05-11 17.48.18 HDR-2
2016-05-11 18.09.25 HDR-2
2016-05-08 08.04.51
My. Heart. Stopped. When I found this in her book bag.
2016-05-12 18.15.47-1
2016-05-12 22.27.08
2016-05-13 05.46.12
2016-05-13 11.57.53
2016-05-13 17.35.38
2016-05-14 11.52.18
We had a family date at Huey’s one Saturday.
2016-05-14 12.07.20
2016-05-14 12.07.53-1
2016-05-14 15.22.46
The Caseys organized a picnic at Shelby Farms on a Sunday afternoon for our SAA crew. The weather was perfect, and HG had a big time until the burs in the grass took their toil. Then, she sat in my lap for a bit, which was just fine with mama!
2016-05-15 01.58.20-2
2016-05-15 14.39.11
2016-05-15 08.41.18
After Cressey’s first real bath, which was in the shower with Sissy, of course! She loved laying in front of the heater, wrapped up in Melissa’s monogrammed towel
.2016-05-15 09.15.23
2016-05-15 09.30.33-1
2016-05-15 10.43.39
2016-05-15 11.40.36
2016-05-15 18.22.19
2016-05-16 07.01.14
2016-05-16 07.01.43
Meeting William for the first time
2016-05-16 10.22.52
2016-05-16 18.15.04
Mama’s bed is getting crowded (during John’s first work trip since C arrived)
2016-05-16 19.03.39
2016-05-16 20.21.39
2016-05-17 08.38.34
2016-05-17 14.45.07
Cressey, Spiffer, and I picked up HG from school one day, and she needed a little snack while we waited.
2016-05-17 14.46.25
2016-05-18 06.36.25
2016-05-18 07.04.22
2016-05-18 15.00.02
Play date with the Coats girls. Cressey and Alexandra will be in the same grade, only seven months apart- maybe even in the same pledge class???
2016-05-18 16.43.15

Blue sleeps at the top of the stairs, right outside the girls’ rooms. John found him like this one night, and he obviously could have cared less.
2016-05-18 22.13.45
2016-05-18 22.13.54
Since she’s outgrowing clothes by the minute, I’m trying to at least put her in some outfits and take a pic!
2016-05-19 10.47.13
2016-05-19 10.48.10
SAA moms threw Mrs. Barksdale a surprise baby shower. She was SO shocked!
2016-05-19 14.12.28
2016-05-19 14.18.17
2016-05-19 16.07.42-2
2016-05-20 06.51.49
2016-05-20 07.03.12
2016-05-20 16.34.34
2016-05-20 17.51.10
Neighborhood ice cream social…where HG got her first tick while playing in the woods. MAJOR FREAKOUT on both our parts, but John (and Grandma) came to the rescue and all was well.
2016-05-20 18.41.02
2016-05-21 07.41.10
Hernando A’Fair: Cressey’s first festival
2016-05-21 10.50.08
2016-05-21 11.12.25-1
2016-05-21 11.12.31-1
We ran into Rylie and Abigail from dance, and HG literally dragged them over to meet her sister.
HG insists on pushing her sister’s stroller EVERY time we go anywhere. Even when her feet hurt, which is a big sacrifice, duh.
2016-05-21 11.47.24-2
I went to Gould’s for my first massage since Cressey was born, and I came out to this adorable pic! Daddy was holding down the fort.
2016-05-21 14.59.10
The old crew came over for dinner when the Mullins were in town for a weekend. This pic is my whole heart!!
2016-05-21 19.50.13-2
That’s a lot of {cute} babies!
2016-05-21 19.52.58-1
2016-05-21 20.22.10
2016-05-22 12.10.05
2016-05-22 18.12.43-1
Look at these smiles we are getting now! (6-7 weeks)
2016-05-23 10.15.37
2016-05-23 15.02.05
2016-05-23 17.32.36
“Ummmm…Mama, can you help me here???”
2016-05-23 17.37.06-2
This Merlin’s Magic Sleep Suit has given us 4-5 hours of sleep from 9 p.m. – midnight or 1 a.m. and then at least 3-hour intervals for the rest of the night. It’s our new favorite thing.
2016-05-23 21.43.56

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