One day this week, I was trying to put Helen Grace down for a nap, so I put her in her bed and walked away, closing the door behind me. She was NOT happy to be left in her room and was letting me know she felt. I stood out in the hall for a minute to see if she would quiet down. With my luck, Mocha can running up to me and let out a huge “MEOW!” All of a sudden, HG stops her screaming, and I hear her say, “What’s that?!” I was double over laughing just outside her door. Obviously, that nap did not take!
She’s picking up new words by the day (excluding ‘poo’), and one of my favorites is that she will now ask for “help” and has some sort of version of “thank you.” Tonight, she saw Rebel sneeze, and she acted like she was sneezing and said, “Choo!”
Our nursery experience this week was a dream. She was a little shy at first, but soon she walked right in and asked one of the nursery workers to pick her up. The lady stood there next the door with HG on her hip while I checked her in, and she didn’t even make a peep as I turned to leave. When I came back to get her, she was playing happily and ran at me like crazy when she saw me. She was babbling up a storm- I imagine telling me all that she had done that day. They make a little piece of artwork each week, and since she had mittens on her dress that day, the nursery ladies drew mittens on a piece of paper and let her paint them. Adorable!
My big girl “Where do mittens go?”
Our little Rebel…with bed head.
Grandma and Daddy took her to the mall on Sunday afternoon while I did some DG work, and they discovered this ‘Mario Andretti’ version of a stroller- at least that’s who she thought she was! She obviously is related to her Granddaddy.
And this is how she felt like she needed to drink her milkshake on their date.
She spent Wednesday afternoon with Granddaddy and Spif while I went to a DG supper club. As soon as they walked in the door, she immediately made them sit on the couch and tucked herself under their arm for a snuggle. This is how I left Helen Grace…
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