Sunday, May 5, 2024

Toohig Tidbits: April (post-kittens)

 Kittens are settling in

Carpool kitties!!!!

Seeing Mary Poppins at school!

While Mama and Daddy help with a Make a Wish kiddo at the Grizz-Lakers game


Brandy meets the kitties

Orpheum date with Katherine


Cheer is back for sis!

So I thought it would be fun to take Penny in the car on the way to school. She proved that wasn't a great idea. Pooped in my car on the way home. Ewwww.


This girl is killing her archery game

While sis gets her nails done, we snack!

Why is playing in the rain so fun???

Taylor Swift's new album came out at 11 pm on April 18th. It was required that we stayed up for its release.

Cressey's class has been reading to the JK kiddos, and she thinks every child is her new best friend.


Look at all four kitties so close together!

Cheer tryouts!

Morgan Wallen take 2 in Oxford on April 20th. Couldn't love my Annie any more.

Meanwhile, HG is at her friend's quincinera

It poured down rain early in the evening, but it finally stopped during Bailey Zimmerman/ as Morgan started.

Referring to how he didn't show for the Sunday show last year...

Working hard on the sign for Senior Picnic

Billy's sweet dad's funeral

While HG was riding, the email came out with the JV/Varsity team list. I agreed not to read the email until she read it, so she checked her email, told me inside the barn, and then told her grandparents who were outside waiting. SHE MADE VARSITY CHEER. LOVE these pics. Couldn't be more proud of her!!!!

Bridge Builders volunteer work at Church Health Center- cooking collard greens which she'd never heard of. Made me giggle so much!

Dinner with the Deacon sisters made possible by a SAA "girls' night out"- thank you, sweet baby Jesus!

Double Decker

So fun to have Maddie with us!

And to see Ryves and MC!

Nice to have some lazy time in OXF

She and her daddy found some honeysuckle, and she couldn't get enough

FIRST TIME she hasn't bawled on release!


HG and her sweet sweet big sis Wesli

Look! Look! A cuddle!

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