Sunday, July 16, 2023


November 2022- In Alys, I gave Cressey some rainbow earrings- "I don't just like it, I love it!"

December 2022- While making a gingerbread house- "All that matters is that I try my best!"

December 2022- She was asleep in my floor while I was in my bed. She said, "Mama, I love you"

We were driving down Forest Hill Irene, and she saw some baby ducklings. She was so excited and flustered, she squealed, "Quacklings!!!"

February 2023- On the way home from school, Cress said to me and HG, "You know that 'a' word that I can't say?" HG and I looked at each other with big eyes and mouths hanging open. Cressey again said, "You know, the 'a' word about JESUS!" We were even more perplexed. I offered 'apostle,' HG offered 'ascension.' Then HG figured it out- 'alleluia!' We can't say it during Lent- we laughed so hard!

Putting Cressey to bed for a few nights in a row, she asked me to take her on a "trail ride" story. My first one was through the mountains, then through a field, and finally I tried a desert. I'm struggling to think of desert animals to see as we ride, so I'm like 'Oh, I see a big creek at the bottom of this hill! I bet Louis wants to go down there for a drink.' Half asleep, smarty pants pipes up, 'Mommy, there's no water in the desert. Only mirages where people *think* they see water.' Lol, go to sleep already, kiddo!

HG told me on the balcony in California that "the only things I got from my mama are hosting a party and people watching!"

April 2023- Cressey was with me at the barn for HG's lesson. She was terribly bored and unhappy to be there watching her sister. I told her, "It's ok to be a little bored and just watch and take things in." She said, "I'm not a little bored, I'm a LOT bored!"

April 2023- HG was telling me about something their class is doing for their parents for graduation. She said they were supposed to address it Mr. and Mrs. John Toohig, but she said, "Omggg, it's 2023! My mom has a NAME! She's her own person!" So she wrote Mrs. Sha & Mr. John Toohig.

May 2023- After riding Hunter, HG said on the way home from the barn, "This is where riding gets FUN. Twelve year old me would be so excited to see me now!"

Cressey was playing softball and was on second base. Coach Joseph was screaming for her to come to 3rd. She was distracted but finally heard him and came running- "Sorry, I was looking at the sunset"

Another softball game, she told Coach, "I would really like to be home with Sunny right now, it's hot out here."

Cressey was asleep on my lap in my bed. HG came in the room to play on my phone and then dropped it somewhere in the bed. As she left the room, I fussed at her with, "Where exactly did you leave my phone??" Cressey had been cold asleep but lifts her hand and says, "It's right here." So true- she always knows where everything is!

June 2023- I was laying down with Cressey in the guest room. She was half asleep. HG came in to get something and was doing a TikTok dance. Cressey pipes up, "I am not impressed."

We were watching the movie Hercules, and when someone died, "Oh well, it has to happen to everyone."

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