Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Toohig Tidbits: Funnies

Cressey surprised me by making up my bed for me, and when I saw it and thanked her, she said, "I'm your daughter, you know?!" (Oct 22)

Cressey says "wornded out" for "worn out."

We were at Presley's house for a birthday party, and when we left, I told her that I had no idea what they had been doing in her room the whole time. She said, "Nothing you need to worry about, mama!" (Aug 22)

Cressey told a friend's mama that I was working on her emotions...

C often tells me I'm lovely or that she wants to see my beautiful face.

While we were in Ireland, Mocha's head tilted for a few days. When we got home, Cress told him, "It's ok to be different! I know being different is hard!" (July 22)

I jokingly told HG that I wasn't going to have a milkshake because I couldn't fit in my pants. She said, "You shouldn't have to fit in your pants. Your pants should fit on you." Words to remember!

HG has some slippers that you can customize with patches of words or images. Cressey said HG's slippers ought to have "drama" and "queen" on them!

Since we did some renovation in the girls' bathrooms, we've had trouble getting Cressey back in her bed. One night when she was in her bed upstairs and wanted to come downstairs to our bed, she said, "I just wanna go home, home like with you."

One morning on the way to school, HG was being particularly teenager-y and giving me a hard time. After she got out at school, Cressey piped up and said, "You're a good person, Mama; I love you, and that's all that matters." (Oct 22)

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