Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Yas Queen, HG is 13!

This year alone, she's played soccer, cheer, track (for the first time!), softball, and riding. We learned she's a great sprinter (100m was her favorite), and her asthma kept her from running the long distances. She enjoyed playing right field in softball. Cheer has been amazing for keeping her in shape and introducing her to more girls in upper grades. She will continue to do that as she cheers for 8th grade SDS this coming year, and she's even been excited to do the summer workouts. She participated virtually in BridgeBuilders last summer and this whole school year which was hard, but she is looking forward to being a part of it again this coming year in person finally!

She received the Dominican Spirit Award as one of two 7th grades this spring which recognizes a student who demonstrates the four Dominican pillars: prayer, service, study, and community. We were so happy that we could burst (but of course had to play it cool).

HG and a group of her school friends did cotillion together this year, and she enjoyed meeting new people from other schools and together they survived the awkward dancing and formal meals.

Local schools were able to start having middle school dances again this year, so that was a fun part of junior high life- both going to events at other schools and also having other schools come onto our campus. 

She made straight A's the third quarter and kept As and Bs all year. She really stepped up her studies this year and was really independent and organized. We are so proud of her!

She's wanting to work any chance she can. She often helps a friend with a baby ballerina class and does some mother's helper kind of work. We've opened her a bank account and a Venmo account, and she loves keeping up with her money and also buying her own clothes with her own money! If she goes to the movie with a friend, I'll try to give her money, but she will always choose to use her own.

She earned a phone at Christmas, and it's really been a non event. We laid out a lot of rules around it, and she's been great about keeping them in mind. It seems like it's really more about wanting social media now...

She's grown almost an inch and a half since last year and is now 5"4' (80th percentile). Last year she grew three inches. Her pediatrician thinks she might be slowing down which fired her up. She's determined to at least be as tall as mama and hopefully taller!

She's got a fierce sense of humor, always cracking a joke and throwing out a random dance move. Constantly doubled over laughing at a YouTube or TikTok video. She's very loyal to and protective of her friends and wants to be doing something with them every minute of every day. Loves her kitties more than life. Have to make her go to bed or she'd stay up all night. Still pretty much up with the sun but can sleep in a little if she's really worn out. Very into facial products and skincare (which I love!).

  • what do you want to be when you grow up? Esthetician or a Physician's Assistant
  • where do you want to go to college? Ole Miss
  • where do you think you'll live? Memphis or Oxford (depending on where Mama and Daddy are)
  • what's your favorite singer/ YouTuber/ Tik Tok-er? Doesn't have one
  • what's your favorite song? Anything country
  • what's your favorite Roblox game? 3008
  • what's your favorite color/ aesthetic? Loves pinks and whites, a room that feels relaxed, LED lights
  • what's your favorite movie? First Mockingjay movie
  • who's your favorite cat? Blue
  • how many dogs would you have if your parents would let you? A bajillion, as many as the adoption center would let me
  • what other random pets would you have? Lizard

Who knew you could have a mini fridge for your facial products?

The only times John has worn this pink shirt is when HG was born and when Cressey was born. HG asked him if he'd wear it for her birthday, and he graciously obliged.

She really loved decorating for her party. She's never met a party she didn't get 100% behind.

Cressey was a faithful assistant to Liz of Glamp901 (and also HG's first grade teacher whom she had when I was pregnant with Cressey)

All the cats approved of the set up too

She's wanted this cat backpack for years. She was estatic!


Not impresse

Some of the girls came home with us on Thursday after exams which officially marked the last day of school!

Thanks, Boujee Bounce!

Time for a photo shoot!

Look at all those shoes

Meanwhile, Spiffer and GD bribed Cressey with LOL dolls to come to their house for the night


HG was the only one awake when I checked on them around 8 a.m.

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