Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Toohig Tidbits: May, the Month of Dances & Awards


Mama finally got a turn to go to a Grizz playoff game!

Cressey's ballet parent demo at school

The Little Sisters' Club of Poppy and Cressey

Cressey's first salon shampoo, and she LOVED it!

Sisters getting new do's

Can't wait to show off her new haircut

My welcoming committee

A little tball action

Both Toohig girls had games that day, and I insisted on a pic!

Loved watching HG warm up Cressey and her teammates

A run for Cressey!

Cressey made the Wednesday Wire for her artwork being on display at the school's art show

Clingy Momo

We brought class flowers for the crowning of Mary

I'd love to know what they are giggling about!

Four of the girls from ballet class chose to be in the spring recital. I tried to ignore Cressey's requests to participate until the third or fourth ask, but by then, I figured she was serious. The day of, she was a little nervous, but she was encouraged by her buddies and did a FANTASTIC job!

Ooooh, a headpiece!

Anniversary date to celebrate 16 years!

Looking so grown up for a playdate at the Botanic Garden with Kate

Alice in Wonderland exhibit

HG came along on some errands with me and was SO EXCITED to get a plant baby! I had no idea how easy she was to please!

Getting ready for the real recital performance

There they go!

So so proud of her and her bravery!

Always trying to be taller than everyone

SAA-SDS usually has middle school dances all year long, but thanks to COVID, they didn't have one until May this year. They were all so excited to finally be able to celebrate together and show off their school to their friends from other places. 

HG tickled Maddie while taking that last pic, and so this was the only 'safe' way to take a pic with the girl who couldn't be trusted

A still shot from Cressey's make up tutorial video (made while I was driving)

Mother's Day brunch at Thistledome, which coincided with the Derby. There were several hats on display/ for sale, and the girls had fun trying them on.

My greatgrandmama's house in the background. I had wedding portraits made at Thistledome and in this spot too!

This biggest compliment to a mom of a teenager is to have a nice Snap shout out by their teen!

Granddaddy got his dream car- look at that smile!

In the SAA lower school, each year each child is given a saint award as chosen by their teacher. Cressey was awarded the Saint Sebastian Award for being gracious and positive in all situations.

The little sisters' club caught in action: Poppy and Cressey at a Briarcrest softball game

Trying out GD's new car

It's so hard to get a pic of her in the mornings

Cressey's koi fish masterpiece on display at the school's art show

We had to drop off Lilah at home after school, and Cressey burst out of the car and ran to Poppy for a hug!

HG made a cameo in the capital campaign video!

Always organizing

HG has been helping out with the cutest ballet class

Mama got to go to another Grizz playoff game!

I promised Cressey we could get Gibson's for breakfast the next morning. Gonna be a good day if it starts with Gibson's!

Cress made this at school for Mother's Day- how cute!

Blue always leans way back like this when HG holds him

Another proud parent moment- HG was awarded the Dominican Spirit Award as one of two seventh graders. She was chosen because she lives the four Dominican pillars- service, prayer, faith, and community. I tried my hardest not to embarrass her, but we were bursting with pride.

She won the same award in second grade. Look how teeny!

A fun Oxford weekend and met up with the Moores for lunch

Dinner at the Sip

We've got a little construction project going on, so the girls slept on an air mattress.

William is in town!

Show and tell for GD!

Four square competition

Field day for Cressey!

Sis happened to pass by while Cressey's class was gathering for a popsicle break. 

Running her leg in the relay

This smile is a joke. She HATED this race.

Happier after ice cream

And even happier after a swim at the Words with her new dive jewels

Ana is such a sweet pup

The KinderStars finally got to take a field trip on a BUS! To the zoo with their SAA big sisters

This ding dong cat loves edamame

Cressey left this note for John after he got home from a work trip

Cressey had a tooth that was hanging on by a thread, and we just happened to have a dentist appointment. I couldn't imagine how they were going to clean her teeth around that thing, but Dr. B did some sort of crazy magic trick and that tooth came flying out of her mouth and right into the little red tooth box!

Goodnight, Reagan and HG!

She got two dollars from the Tooth Fairy! She was very confused why she got TWO dollars and not just ONE dollar.

Gymnastics parents' show

She was SO excited to get a medal. Love that big smile!

SAA is creating a brand new science wing where the current SAA gym is, so the gym will come down this summer and be relocated. This was the last time the girls will be together in this gym- worth a picture!

Casual day

Time for growing butterflies! We could tell they were about to hang in their cocoons, and since we didn't want to miss it, we hooked up the 'kitty cam!'

Last Friday/ normal day of class before exams for 7th graders. The teachers took some pics for us parents!

Baseball weekend in Oxford (Texas A&M)

Time for some shopping for HG's birthday!

Me too, girl, me too

Our Daniels family gathered in Oxford to celebrate Aunt Glo and Uncle Lary's birthday, and it was so fun to have everyone together in our new-ish place!

They slept in the guest room this time instead of the air mattress. Loved how she help my hand until she fell asleep.

Got herself a new backpack and awfully proud of herself!

This is HG in Jan 2016 and Cressey in May 2022. Both times that we got to the barn and it was colder than expected and mama's jacket got repurposed!

Going to Dean Boccia's retirement with me

Such a sweet award

Dead set on using her money from her new checking account to buy something online

First online purchase with her own money!

Cressey's last softball game where we played on through a big rainstorm...

Yep, here it comes. She's not happy.

And now it's coming down fast and hard. I tried to sneak over to the cafeteria covered patio with Ms. Jamie, but Cressey hollered from the field, "Mama, where are you going?!" So back to stand in the rain to watch them finish the inning.

Next to last day movie!

And ice cream party!

Peace out, Kindergarten!

Summer has started- time to craft and make a mess

And ice skating was high on the summer bucket list

Looking at the horse through the crack

Teasing Chance by acting like she's eating his hay

Artwork by Cressey at Grandma's

More butterfly progress!

Heading to Campbell's to swim

Swim lessons at MemFins, and this girl was PUMPED! She swims like a fish. This year was just to learn more strokes.

Helping me pop HG's bajillion balloons and she went from being terrified of the balloons popping to celebrating the ones with confetti sending sparkles everywhere when popped

Daddy teaching her how to polish shoes

Another construction project but in Memphis this time. The girls' bathrooms. So they are sleeping in the guest room together for a few weeks. We are calling it the 'vacation room,' and I let them keep tiny food videos playing on the tv every night. It's going really well, thankfully.

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