Thursday, June 30, 2022

Toohig Tidbits: June

 Always wanting to be involved and to be a helper

Mama-Cressey date at Newk's

Helping me peel an egg was quite an experience

And a pedi treat for HG, Cress, and mama

The girls 'signed' their bathroom walls so that it'll be underneath their new mirrors/ vanities

Ready for the day!

Time to say goodbye to our butterflies

Annual check up delirium

First swim team practice for Cressey. Her friend Maddie told her about it, and C wouldn't give up until I signed her up. She says it's hard, but she just loves the water- and the super cool pool she gets to swim in!

Mermaids reporting for duty! It's been such a relief to see Cress run into swim lessons every day this time. She loves to swim.

Showing us all the strokes they've learned

Dinner at Fancy's Fish House

While HG swam with a friend, I took Cressey to the Children's Museum for the splash pad, but she got a little distracted and had to get a ride on another horse. She had just ridden her pony at lessons that morning!

The girls and I were in Oxford for the day, and we got to see Maddie who was there for tennis camp!

New arrangement in their Oxford room (since we had to move the door to a different wall)

Proud Larry's is a must. We ordered three appetizers and THEN our food- lol!

Waiting for sis is exhausting

"Shampooing" her hair in her new shower

Kate and Cressey won a school auction item to go to the zoo with Ms. Jamie!

Excited for swim team again!

First time down the big slide! She wasn't scared at all- so proud!

We asked our electrician to add an outlet up high in HG's closet so that we could string LED lights around the ceiling. She's a happy camper!

Helping mama wrap for Make A Wish

Zoo with the Mattice girls

Butterfly landed on my neck!

Germantown Charity Horse Show with Sydney...

...while Mama and Daddy saw Steely Dan at Live at the Garden

Putting her to work for MAW on the world's hottest day

John took Cressey to the pool while HG and I volunteered, and little bit didn't make it home awake.

First day of pony camp has finally arrived!!!

After the first day, she came home and literally put herself to bed.

She wanted me to wake her up for swim team though, and somehow, she rallied! This week, her swim coach challenged her to work on switching to goggles instead of her mask. She's not happy about it but said she did learn some things.

Still can't get any pics with our junior counselor, so her back will have to do...

Ms. Emily's class this week was creating a fairy house, so they scavenged for sticks

Delaney has been a friend since Cressey's Kindermusik days, so it's fun to do pony camp with her as a big kid!

After school ended, Cress painted a picture for her teacher next year, so we dropped it in the mail for her. Wouldn't you know that sweet Mrs. Grafton wrote her a letter back?! Love!

A little Corkie QT (and Spiffer and GD)

We tried Vampire Penguin in Southaven, and I may have to go back once a week. It's a dream on a plate.

We tried out the hot air balloon festival, and we called it quits after about 30 minutes in the brutal heat with no balloons inflated. But first, we had to have a little sisterly competition. This was hilarious!

He'd ride around like this 24/7 if I'd let him. He's purring incessantly.

We threw a mother-daughter wedding shower at Paulette's for HG's friend Landry's mom. All spring and summer has flown by so quickly that it was so nice to sit down and share a meal with two generations of friends!

Father's Day lunch at Marshall Steakhouse- Spiffer and GD go often, but this was the first time for the rest of us. It was a really fun place to explore!

We sat at the Elvis table

These two were dancing queens

And then a sleeping beauty...

A Pancho's lover just like her mama...

Pony camp week #2 with four SAA friends! HG was their junior counselor again, so we got lots of good pics!

Now Cress is a pro at the JCC slide. No fear!

Always at my hip, stuck like glue

She loves getting her hair washed by Ms. Deborah

I can't help but giggle anytime I see Cressey eating mandarin oranges out of the jar. When I was pregnant with HG, mandarin oranges were my huge craving, and John was constantly rolling his eyes at all the empty jars sitting around the house!

We have quite the collection of horse shoe stepping stones from pony camps over the years!

Really feeling herself

This girl can fix anything

Skate 'play date' for HG and her buddies

Ready to cheer on our friends at the SAA Moana theatre camp play

Way to go, Kate!

And Poppy!

A swim date for the pony camp girls on Friday

It's DG Convention time!

Here comes trouble!

She's getting better at tolerating the Jeep

Couldn't quite make it home awake

Knocking off one of HG's summer bucket list items

Proof of my love for my girl

Just when I'm trying to get Cressey to sleep, this crazy girl and cat come bounding into the room...

I like Cressey's choice of mother-daughter activities...

Blue on her fingers and green on her toesies

Second generation Bridge Builder! See Amanda and me on the sign over HG's shoulder from the summer of 1996. HG is on the purple team just like me too!

Once we dropped off sis at Bridge Builders, I had breakfast with a princess

Make-A-Wish golf tournament

MAW has the best staff you'll find, hands down. And even some sorority sisters!

Getting prepped for Princess Reagan's party later this summer...we've now had a princess revival

Brandy had a daytime sleepover, and we were so happy to see her!

Love this Degas replica from Cressey's fine arts class

Some fun with Norah and Remi

Aaaaaand she's done!

"Mama, can you see me?!"

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