Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Toohig Tidbits: February

Cressey had her first sleepover this month- on the 12th at Kate's house during HG's Galentine's party (see previous post)

"I did my pizza bites in a cross because I love the Lord." -Cress

Blue and Sunny love getting a chance to go in Cressey's room (she keeps the door closed), but this morning, Mo joined us too!

A spontaneous zoo date with Ava

"Chihuahua" = "chwow"

Sunny kisses

We had a bad ice storm that caused a ton of power outages across town (although our neighborhood statyed on). This is an intersection right at school.

A boredom creation...they passed toys back and forth from upstairs to downstairs for the longest time

Working on Bubba's obit

Maddie sharing in a similar boredom creation but this time outside and between two windows

Love Monsters

We might have another water cat...


Flowers from the class for the birthday girl, Ms. Jamie

First basketball game, William was here to witness the experience (the night of Bubba's funeral). She was excited to play until the first buzzer and whistle sounded. So loud! She spent a lot of time with her hands over her ears.

Meanwhile, HG was having some girl time with Reagan

Valentine's Day

All three cats snuggled up with me in the bed! First time ever!

I had to sneak to get this pic, but I was on the playground with Cressey while HG wrapped up cheer practice. That's her on the base and Reagan in the air. I was impressed!

Aren't they cute??

Carrying sis' laptop bag- "this is heavy!"

Cress rode home with Remi and Norah one afternoon

I love nothing more than kindergarten spelling! "something" = "supthing"

She read a Pete the Cat book to me at bedtime one night, and she was still so on fire about it in the morning that she brought it downstairs and read it to me while I cooked breakfast. HG caught this sweet moment.

Julia came home with us one afternoon

Blue approves of HG's new closet system

Being a board member for Make A Wish is so much fun!

This crazy cat is crazy for edamame and even got into the sink to get some of the last bites

Stuck like glue (we were watching hg try on clothes)

An overnight in Oxford with our Mattice/Allen girls

And then John came for a baseball game!

We had to leave the game a little early because Cressey's loose tooth almost fell out and it caused a lot of emotions. And I was ready for a glass of wine when we got home. She decided she wanted to keep it until Monday so that she could get one of the nurse's 'tooth' necklaces that you only receive if you lose a tooth at school.

2-22-22 was "tu tu, tennis shoes, tube sock, t shirt" day!

I may have called the school nurse and asked her to dangle the tooth necklace in front of Cressey...and a few minutes later she sent me this pic! Cress let her have one try to pull it, then she stepped backwards at the last moment. But it was too late- Nurse Nina already had the tooth in her fingers!

When your mom volunteers at school and you are stuck waiting around...

Look at these two sweeties

USA day for spirit week

Well...this should be an exciting game...asleep on the way to the game...

Oooooh, it's getting close, Spiffer!

Book Fair time!

Back to Oxford

Back to the barn

"I can't move- Sunny is laying on my hand!"

Trying on Bubba's earrings

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