Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Toohig Tidbits: June

 "Look at my muscles!"

We got all the way to Target for her post-swim-lesson shopping trip and realized we didn't have a pair of shoes in the car. So her stubborn mama picked her up and carried her to the shoe section. She chose the gaudiest, brightest pair in the store and was IN LOVE!

She picked out Spirit and Lucky!

Sunny found a fun new hiding spot when we got a new mattress

Sydney Ellen came home for a quick visit!

Princess Camp was a hit (obvs)

Climbing with Ava one afternoon...she took a while to warm up to it, but she finally got excited about climbing about 5 feet up over and over again.

HG is big into cool lighting in her room at the moment (we've since added some more LED lights around her new vanity mirror)

She thinks she's hot stuff going to princess camp again

A little jaunt down to Oxford with Grace Ann...C made herself at home quickly

On a late night yogurt run...I let them go if they promised to send a pic


Snug as a bug(s)

In her new favorite spot

Birthday party fun for Sarah

Dance recital for HG! They danced to "Footloose," and HG did SO WELL. So calm and confident on the stage. She had a big smile on her face the whole time and knew what she was doing. So proud.

Look who has found pillows!

Didn't last long but it did happen!

First day of swim lessons with Ms. Keeley again this year. MG and Presley did it with her, which helped a lot. She was SUPER excited on the first day and even came out happy. The second day...not so much...

A wedding (to Mr. Dolphin) brought to you by HG and Cressey

"Mommy, I want to take a pic with you!"

TWO kitties on the bed at the SAME time

HG brought me a glass of wine- 100!

When HG has a friend spend the night, Daddy always gets Gibson's donuts. When he's out of town, Cress and I are responsible for that special errand...even in the pouring down rain while in our pjs...

Survived another day of swim lessons...fake smile in effect...

Mattice girl playdate

Playdate for new SAA-SDS friends

Last day of swim lessons that was successful only because I bribed with a trip to the jumpy place that we hadn't been to since before COVID. She didn't want to go in the deep end, but she swam from side to side with ease and happiness.

Celebratory lunch at McAlister's too

Reading her swim class certificate

HG enjoyed cashing in on Cressey's swim success too...

A first for sisterly bumper cars, and it was a HIT

We made it to Oxford in time for dinner with cousins

Found the haven of lightening bugs

And officially worn out!

So helpful

Don't worry, Bunny Monkey is tucked in safe and sound

Love C's face...


Nothing like yogurt for breakfast

Reading books from Square Books Jr. on the way home

Look who found my pillow!

Corkie loves a playground too

Met our kindergarten friends for a movie treat to see Spirit

Caught her dancing

We all got clean and dressed up at the same time- had to take a pic!

Cheering on Ava in her theatre camp

Look who's helping with bedtime!

Father's day brunch at Coastal Fish

Ever since swim lessons earlier in June, Cress has been determined not to go near the deep end without a float, although she can swim like a fish and from side to side of the pool. She'd rather stay in the "shallow land." For some reason, on Father's Day, with tears streaming down her face, she decided she wanted to try it. With lots of encouragement, she finally started swimming smaller distances and got more and more confident until she was swimming the whole length of the deep end and totally on her own. When she puts her mind to something, you can't stop her! She was so so proud of herself afterward. She still wouldn't discuss jumping off the diving board, but that came by the 4th of July weekend.

Checking out the hot air balloon festival in Collierville

The wind was too strong for the balloons to get out/ up, but this owner was SO NICE and let the girls hop in to try out the basket!


A little sisterly love moment...they went through this mirror house about 15 times

And Cressey LOVED her first "roller coaster"

Hey HG!

Cressey begged to do gymnastics camp at Little Gym and loved every minute of it

In fact, she fell asleep on the couch by 7 p.m. after the first day!

HG loved having a summer facial treat with Ms. Marcy

Looks like Sunny likes fires as much as Blue does

Celebrating summer birthdays with HG's class of girls


Ava joined C for Little Gym camp for the second half of the week

Dancing with excitement to get into that gym! 

Blue attended HG's Bridge Builder virtual graduation too

Back in her fave spot

Showing Maddie some of our favorite spots

Had to find the lightning bugs

Had to say hello to her friend, Mr. Faulkner

Making a note of her height for future seasons (this is apparently a running tally of scores between two local high school rivals)

Saint Leo

Patient little sis

First time in Square Books

Wait, that's a whaaaa???

This sleep mask has immediately become a favorite bedtime (or car nap time) must-have. She saw one in a store and really wanted it, but it was an adult one and expensive. I told her we'd look for a kids' one for her, and sure enough, she found one by the end of the day.

Loves her 'Jo Jo' dress too. Got some sandals that match Jo Jo's rainbow theme.

Leading sissy along in the mask

Asked for HG to read her a bedtime story

Brown pool time!

Unicorn camp at school!!!

HG won a school auction for lunch a candy store visit with her teacher, Ms. Healy. I was worried they would have too much fun and wouldn't come home! She's the best!

LOL doll fun for all ages

Parents' night out, make up by HG

HG's first piece of cheesecake! She saw something about Cheesecake Factory, so on a day that Cressey had camp, she asked to go there for lunch. She liked the cheesecake fine but wasn't drooling over it. Now the pretzel bites and fried mozzarella...

And she wanted to try a Starbucks coffee...again, not a fan...

Happy 3rd birthday to Poppy!!

This kitten likes to chase feet in the middle of the night. Old Man Momo is not a fan of the commotion.

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