Monday, November 2, 2020

Toohig Tidbits: October

There was a truck at the neighborhood gate that was blocking traffic, and from the backseat, Cressey says, "He was having a situation!"

Cressey likes to say that she was born in heaven.

Cressey asked, "We don't have to do anything today???" Looking up, "Thank goodness, God! God is so nice!"

HG was having trouble getting her earring back in her ear, and Cressey hollered toward the bathroom, "Make sure to be brave!"

When Cress woke up, she asked, "Where's the preteen?"

I sat down at the kitchen table for breakfast between the two girls who were having a rather lively interchange. Cressey asked me, "Mommy, can you block her face?!"


Cressey was Star of the Week and had to take pics of where she took her teacher bitmojis!

Trying on her Vamparina costume...what can't be captured in a picture is the theme song that sings loudly anytime you push that skull button at the neckline!

Can't get that crown off her head!


John was working on his home office set up for work conference calls, and before we knew it, Cressey ran upstairs and plopped herself in the shot!


Brunching with Brandy

Pumpkins are OPEN!!

Pedis for the beach

"Put THAT pumpkin right HERE"

Spiffer and GD got a new puppy! Meet Corkie!

Cressey can put on quite a fabulous spontaneous tea party

Momo is not real excited by 6th grade math homework

Boo-ing our neighbors

And making things awfully spooky!

The boss

Dinner with Rachel and Melissa

Can't get close enough

Priddy Farms

Date night at Folks Folly

Zoo day with little bit

Getting REALLY close to passing Grandma

Bunk beds!

Back off my wine, kitty cat!

Lunch with Grace Ann at the DG House

Cressey has been nervous around Corkie since she's a nibbler, but HG has been working on getting her more comfortable. It's working!

It's a tradition for the sixth grade girls to perform the living rosary, and we were so thankful that the teachers found a way to make it happen despite this crazy new world. They streamed it on Zoom so that we could all see it. HG was Mary in this scene and had a speaking part in the intro.

Brandy and I tried to go to brunch but couldn't find any places that weren't too crowded, so we got Sonic drinks, placed a to go order, and ate in the car!

Poor Corkie

Poor Cressey

Grace Ann gets initiated- whooohooo!

Casual day = ALL the accessories

Cressey wuz here

I spent forever getting uniforms ready for school pic day, getting hair clean and pretty, and then they both fought me on taking a pic of them.

Caught one in carpool line!

Share day

Halloween hair for jazz class

Such a good workout buddy; by workout buddy, I mean I worked out, and she sat on my mat and played on her ipad.

Lunch with Ava

S'mores with the Ducks

Dad life

Two kitty cats attached to HG under the kitchen table

Corkie's first swing

And slide!

Shopped til she dropped (or maybe she was just tired of waiting on her sister)

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