Saturday, February 15, 2020

Toohig Tidbits: January

When we were loading up in the car to go to the airport for NYC, Cressey was loaded up in her car and waiting on the rest of us to get in. She hollered, "Let's go, people!"

At Wicked, John told Cressey that he liked her dress. She said, "It's in style!"

John and I were pretending to argue over who went to the bathroom first. Cressey stepped in and said, "You can both go and WAIT YOUR TURN!"

She drops Vampirina phrases like "hide and shriek" and "spook-tacular."

Every. Single. Morning. She wakes up and says, "I GROWED!"

Ms. Mullins (3rd grade teacher) stuck her head in my car at pick up one day and reminded me how she used to always call HG an angel. She overheard the 5th and 6th grade teachers talking about how sweet and kind HG was and how she contributed so much in literature class discussions.

Cressey had a random day of fever, but on the second day, she told Granddaddy, "I'm hot free!"

As I followed Cressey up the stairs and popped her on the booty, she said, "Don't do that! I'm trying to focus here!"

She and John have a new tradition of a piggyback ride up to bed every night. I get to be the monster who chases them up there, but lately, she's invited HG (to her DELIGHT) to be a monster too. They have even come up with a piggyback ride song that they sing together. So fun!

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